January 2017
[01/18/17 12:49am] because love is trash and no one deserves happiness[01/05/17 07:35pm] hope you all end up as miserable as i am[01/02/17 06:39pm] for a friend
December 2016
[12/25/16 01:56am] if at first you don't succeed, take drugs
November 2016
[11/02/16 07:33am] laughing all the way
October 2016
[10/27/16 12:15pm] (rough draft) ridin' high[10/24/16 09:41am] before i come in *inspired by porn music videos[10/19/16 07:23am] sometime[10/12/16 08:49pm] dayz on ends[10/09/16 10:53pm] ass pen is horrible[10/02/16 09:14pm] idk wher ei was going with this[10/02/16 06:20am] mean[10/01/16 08:19pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[10/01/16 07:13am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
September 2016
[09/28/16 06:14pm] true love (i hardly ever write wrap but this felt nice)[09/26/16 06:22am] an r & b song that i happened to write[09/24/16 07:26am] nothing lasts forever, but that's nt what this is about[09/18/16 04:56pm] i might have a problem[09/17/16 03:17am] i belong on the floor[09/16/16 10:44pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/11/16 02:06am] some metal song i was workign on[09/01/16 07:34pm] when i text, drink, and drive i secretly wish for this[09/01/16 05:23pm] working on it
August 2016
[08/19/16 01:36am] borrowed time[08/17/16 08:04am] the blink of an eye (work in progress)[08/13/16 11:16pm] Amber Solo, a song about a hoe who talks too much[08/12/16 01:32am] political i know, but what isn't these days[08/06/16 11:59am] shitty awful terrible idea of a shitty song[08/01/16 06:17am] finish later when the lag isn't killing me
July 2016
[07/21/16 09:16am] one day it'll happen, and all your petty arguement...[07/19/16 01:07am] moved on to bigger, better, more wealthier things[07/13/16 11:49am] i honestly gave up halfway through this but you ge...[07/13/16 09:58am] almost too biographical[07/10/16 10:11am] Johnny and stacy both lived happily ever after[07/09/16 09:33pm] bitter attitude[07/08/16 03:42am] get moving, get going, get out[07/07/16 09:17pm] i don't want to talk to you (work in progress)[07/07/16 08:13pm] "polyamourus" is just a polite way of saying whore [07/07/16 10:25am] dependency[07/05/16 10:42pm] exploring one's inner thoughts and emotions[07/04/16 09:20pm] i gave up[07/04/16 12:48pm] half written masochistic love song. REMIND ME TO FINISH[07/04/16 11:18am] giving myself something for the lows[07/02/16 09:10am] the future is here
June 2016
[06/30/16 11:11am] a cat, a shadow, a cookie and the sea[06/30/16 06:58am] fifth wheel dude, too personal a poem[06/28/16 09:59am] innocense isn't lost, it's caged[06/18/16 12:10am] dance to a better song[06/17/16 05:01am] a gross rose by any other name[06/15/16 11:05am] submit to me, an erotic song[06/15/16 10:37am] i had more going but i lost the vibe so oh well[06/05/16 09:41am] shoot the fucking moon[06/02/16 08:55am] when you fall in love[06/01/16 08:39pm] fuck me i lost what i was going for[06/01/16 11:02am] maybe i'll hear them someday
May 2016
[05/31/16 09:35pm] i was going somewhere with this but now i lost it[05/31/16 12:10am] some people need to learn to put drugs down in all...[05/26/16 03:27am] childish, a short poem because i couldn't think of...[05/18/16 12:20am] killer sluts[05/17/16 05:41pm] i can't finish this but it's good enough for me
April 2016
[04/27/16 04:10am] i had more planned but eh why bother
March 2016
[03/30/16 07:24pm] alive[03/30/16 07:58am] i can die the next day[03/28/16 10:19am] no longer smile for you[03/28/16 06:50am] i really don't have it in me anymore[03/23/16 09:01pm] talk[03/17/16 01:58am] the next time[03/10/16 06:58pm] peirced heart[03/09/16 04:31am] easy[03/08/16 07:23am] take cover[03/07/16 08:05pm] redhead with greeeeeeen eyes[03/03/16 08:04pm] for the boy in the box[03/02/16 02:04am] i have no idea what i was going for
February 2016
[02/29/16 09:25pm] time to go[02/29/16 07:45am] you're gone[02/29/16 06:30am] i quit writing forever[02/28/16 07:16pm] i was going for more but got distracted and well i...[02/27/16 04:59am] i was wrong[02/27/16 03:47am] round-trip[02/23/16 07:40am] i really have no idea where i was going with it bu...[02/22/16 06:08pm] leave me[02/20/16 06:25am] the battery operated boyfriend. you know what to do[02/12/16 02:06am] slip into stupidity[02/09/16 07:41pm] pretty little lady[02/08/16 08:06pm] shoot him down[02/02/16 06:47am] i can't i can't i can't
January 2016
[01/31/16 06:20pm] and the truth will set you free[01/30/16 04:48am] i had something going but this came out all wrong[01/30/16 04:19am] plastic brother *i can't think of a better word fo...[01/27/16 06:40am] a little speed goes a long way[01/22/16 07:22am] i don't really believe in love[01/18/16 06:34pm] someday i'll make a song out of this but i love it[01/11/16 05:35pm] i can't finish this one so fuck it[01/11/16 04:04pm] restmy head and wake up dead[01/04/16 09:49pm] looking forward (no it's not a fuckign new year re...
December 2015
[12/31/15 10:28pm] god i hate all of you [12/08/15 01:40am] the message[12/05/15 04:39pm] a material girl[12/02/15 02:30am] go
September 2015
[09/30/15 08:17pm] in order to be a better musician you gotta start d...
August 2015
[08/26/15 08:17pm] whores who score[08/26/15 08:10am] i don't really care anymore[08/26/15 07:37am] eh[08/12/15 02:34am] Jimmy's sarcastic rendition of the classic shakesp...[08/06/15 03:14am] butterfingers mcgee (can't find a working title)
July 2015
[07/11/15 09:01am] 1:100[07/10/15 11:04pm] SPOILER ALERTS: seriously, don't read until u read...[07/09/15 10:27pm] Humanity: A Study in the Field of Human Relations[07/09/15 06:12am] too late[07/07/15 06:05am] Misery St[07/03/15 01:04pm] what the hell am i on[07/03/15 04:44am] write when not distracted[07/02/15 03:21am] great walls of fire
June 2015
[06/27/15 05:56am] E love or the 21 century song (come and get it)[06/26/15 10:27pm] en espanol pero no lo termino[06/25/15 10:34am] my bizarre poem[06/24/15 09:07am] out of sight[06/22/15 07:54am] well kept secrets and uptight demons[06/19/15 08:12am] i'll see you in Cincinatee[06/18/15 10:34pm] top 40 pop chart song[06/17/15 09:00am] Cruel (rock song in A)[06/15/15 06:41am] war never changes right?[06/15/15 02:37am] first inspired song in like a year holy shit[06/04/15 11:36pm] the only cure for writers block is twice the amoun...[06/04/15 10:03pm] the powers held over you
May 2015
[05/27/15 09:16am] i'll work on this after many many many many many m...[05/21/15 09:00am] last night i was about to throw it all away[05/21/15 08:49am] if i had more drugs this would go a lot deeper[05/16/15 07:43am] big disgrace *turning into a song[05/14/15 10:53pm] the threat israel
April 2015
[04/18/15 02:58am] eh[04/17/15 10:03am] baby[04/17/15 08:55am] everybody;s/given up[04/17/15 07:41am] STUPIDITY[04/12/15 07:52pm] finish once i'm done eating[04/08/15 09:08pm] i kinda phoned it in on this one [04/08/15 09:49am] what is it good for?[04/08/15 08:05am] future brings[04/07/15 08:34am] random association poem[04/06/15 08:11am] solace[04/05/15 09:42pm] yay more writers block[04/05/15 09:17pm] WHY AM I GETTING WRITERS BLOCK[04/05/15 12:40am] remind me to finish this one after a couple of rounds[04/01/15 08:43am] i'm that type[04/01/15 08:06am] sonic k dick
March 2015
[03/31/15 01:35am] this had an idea but now i'm lost and can't find i...[03/27/15 04:40am] pop song written in under 3 minutes[03/23/15 11:06pm] error and sparkles[03/21/15 07:11am] work on later x2[03/20/15 08:57am] nonameundertheinfluencewrittenartworkthatneedsmore...[03/18/15 04:06am] i'll work on it whenever i feel as twice as depressed[03/15/15 03:47am] rewriting a song for my own interpretation i need ...[03/09/15 07:11am] iggy austrailia is the worst thing to come down un...[03/07/15 06:21am] single mom blues[03/02/15 12:12am] all this and more at your local hospital
February 2015
[02/28/15 02:24am] how to get an encore in a concert[02/26/15 09:24am] i got nothing better to do than write pop songs .-.[02/26/15 03:35am] the next biggest dance track *as soon as i get a d...[02/24/15 11:06pm] kittens and pancakes (i honestly gave up about hal...[02/24/15 02:37am] i knew a guy[02/20/15 06:31pm] writers block
November 2014
[11/27/14 10:15am] short: what a day of subsance abuse will do to you...[11/18/14 01:13am] short and to the point[11/11/14 10:02am] this really lead nowhere contrary to the poem itself[11/11/14 09:25am] this is what happens when i don't get enough to dr...[11/04/14 04:56am] where are the fucking chords i want for this
October 2014
[10/27/14 06:11am] call me anymore[10/26/14 12:38am] little stacy (not an actual person)[10/24/14 11:12pm] out my ass on a drinking day [10/19/14 07:45pm] this one went nowhere but whatever too late to go ...[10/18/14 12:52am] think of it as linear[10/17/14 09:52pm] calling quits[10/17/14 09:05am] this one is weak as fuck thanks a lot 0/10 don't read[10/16/14 08:24am] a memo[10/15/14 11:55pm] me and my faults, her and her wants[10/14/14 07:14am] i'll finish later[10/12/14 03:36am] what do you call a blow to the head?[10/10/14 10:24pm] do what you will with it, i kinda half assed at the end[10/06/14 05:02pm] half assed and short stacked :/[10/05/14 09:46am] the worst part's almost over [10/02/14 10:39am] go fuck yourself i'm on heroin
September 2014
[09/27/14 10:35pm] i've never shared a coke with heather[09/26/14 02:55am] i got distracted halfway and just wrote whatever[09/24/14 12:30pm] this'll work just fine[09/24/14 12:06pm] some poe shit since i can't think of anything bett...[09/17/14 08:04am] too fucking lazy didn't finish[09/14/14 11:59pm] axe man *based on a true story[09/12/14 10:13am] i'll finish at some point[09/11/14 10:34pm] heroin[09/10/14 07:27pm] naw i hate this let's ignore it but save it for later
August 2014
[08/18/14 09:41pm] My Nancy (an ode to the death of punk and his fame)[08/12/14 03:04pm] remind me to finish this at some point [08/12/14 02:37pm] the last songwriter
July 2014
[07/25/14 12:29pm] as heavy as it comes[07/23/14 01:26pm] nicotine daydream[07/23/14 01:14pm] they're coming for YOU[07/23/14 10:47am] maybe if i spray some febreeze the smell will go away?[07/22/14 01:22pm] i feel a little better about this one[07/22/14 01:11pm] i wanted to go somewhere with this but i just drew...[07/21/14 02:58pm] well i HAD something going[07/15/14 01:56am] the lack of one
May 2014
[05/13/14 09:40pm] writers block is terrible[05/10/14 10:48pm] i'll finish later
April 2014
[04/27/14 03:32am] maybe not tomorrow[04/24/14 11:30am] to my lovely, i know you're reading this. i'm glad...[04/23/14 11:51pm] let's fantasize: a short song[04/20/14 11:43pm] an ode to a soldier[04/19/14 04:41am] i have no idea where this was going but oh well he...[04/19/14 12:26am] the truth the ballad the sonnet the story[04/17/14 05:47am] does not compute[04/15/14 07:32am] i miss elliott smith[04/14/14 07:17am] i was going to write more but i couldn't find any ...[04/10/14 12:24pm] everything i do, it's for you[04/10/14 12:00pm] i can't remember the song that i based this off bu...[04/10/14 10:50am] you know very well[04/07/14 02:06pm] come back to it, it'll work out on it's own
March 2014
[03/28/14 03:34am] someone's going to have a wet dream over this[03/27/14 06:59am] everclear[03/27/14 05:39am] both ways[03/22/14 04:57am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
February 2014
[02/26/14 03:45am] i lost all my mojo[02/26/14 02:55am] something sensual that kids shouldn't read. aka al...
December 2013
[12/30/13 01:36pm] take it out on gaia, surely you'll feel better right?[12/30/13 01:14pm] if you wanna be my bother~[12/30/13 01:01pm] i tried but i gave up/ it doesn't matter[12/01/13 02:19am] you people and you words and lives and music and m...[12/01/13 01:49am] i used to think a lot, now i want to stop
November 2013
[11/22/13 01:26am] i'll be damned if i'd ever remember to completely ...
October 2013
[10/17/13 07:13am] they live[10/14/13 09:00am] during my darkest hours, when the rolling black ou...[10/14/13 05:25am] this is based on a true story, we did hear a tape ...[10/13/13 06:01am] the invisiable man (not a short story)[10/08/13 10:08am] needs more wurcuh[10/07/13 07:15am] come around[10/06/13 08:35am] i have found perfection[10/05/13 08:22am] sometimes[10/04/13 06:40am] if ever there was never a sun to shine[10/03/13 10:14am] no no no no no no NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO[10/03/13 09:43am] the other side of a relationship: based on all mar...
September 2013
[09/27/13 05:07am] this isn't a cry for help, it's a 'fuck you shakespeare[09/24/13 05:08am] a day in the life: the modern day working girls to...[09/24/13 04:20am] A night in the life: A street soap opera rap song[09/20/13 05:15am] untittled no. whatever the fuck[09/02/13 08:27am] whatever (my tribute in c)[09/02/13 08:01am] i'll find my own heaven[09/02/13 07:55am] it gets worse
July 2013
[07/10/13 07:02am] ii'll work on this when i'm not blocked[07/01/13 09:07am] the only medicine is a bullet to the brain
June 2013
[06/16/13 06:49am] this is what i get when i watch blackandwhite movi...[06/09/13 01:28am] boring boring[06/06/13 07:43am] this is going to be a boring story
May 2013
[05/26/13 08:47am] some sad attempt at something lame[05/24/13 05:51am] my country ballad aka a squid can dream[05/23/13 11:16pm] nonesense lyrics and quality spirits[05/22/13 06:17am] damn i'm lonely LOL[05/18/13 10:40pm] i'll be dead by then (fuck you bob dylan)[05/18/13 06:15am] douchebag guy (work on later)[05/17/13 09:53pm] this might be my most offensive song ever, only it...[05/17/13 05:22am] abomination
April 2013
[04/25/13 06:48am] i wanna work for faux news[04/21/13 10:38pm] how to make an easy hundred thousand[04/21/13 08:31am] yeah i half assed it, so what[04/10/13 08:43am] she might be special[04/09/13 11:22pm] a liberating night[04/04/13 11:45pm] WARNING C-WORD AHEAD but otherwise true blue rock'...[04/03/13 03:22pm] wall streem national anthem
March 2013
[03/29/13 09:08am] if you've got a cold heart, this isn't for you[03/25/13 08:33am] true story[03/20/13 07:27am] making me mad: a punk song[03/18/13 07:55am] to dream[03/18/13 06:42am] this is a song about sex and you won't get to read...[03/18/13 05:47am] attachment; a haiku knew?[03/15/13 07:53am] i can't go any further with this[03/07/13 08:42am] we got nothing to lose *a drunk poet[03/07/13 07:45am] where's a needle when you need one[03/06/13 05:45pm] bitter resentment (work later[03/05/13 08:32pm] dedication: a short lazy song[03/03/13 07:18am] My attempt at writing noir-like shit. You might ge...[03/02/13 06:30am] assburgers[03/02/13 05:47am] trolling or jihad?
February 2013
[02/28/13 07:52pm] sharing isn't caring, and i know this better than most[02/20/13 09:58am] fully mistaken[02/12/13 07:53am] this is really stupid, but i'll save it cause i wr...[02/11/13 08:43am] i'll work on later, so don't read[02/09/13 10:24am] melody[02/09/13 01:12am] i'll work on later, entitles 'sunshine'[02/08/13 09:06am] short and illucid as hell[02/03/13 07:24am] hey, let's at this german broad into the band
January 2013
[01/29/13 06:37am] sailing on the dream stream with me[01/28/13 07:10am] maybe i love you (needs work)[01/26/13 06:50am] neatly pump air[01/22/13 04:34am] sub-concious much?[01/20/13 03:21am] what the fuck did i just write [01/19/13 11:27am] someone different[01/15/13 08:14am] theif [01/14/13 06:36am] she knew, but did she care? oh-hoho[01/10/13 10:41am] half way did it then gave up like after the last t...[01/08/13 07:09am] What makes a man[01/05/13 08:44am] funk song under construction[01/04/13 08:21am] bitches be lion[01/03/13 10:08am] road to the unknown
December 2012
[12/31/12 10:01am] you know[12/31/12 09:47am] friend zoned: a story of a guy, a girl, and a good...[12/29/12 08:44am] thoughts on lost love and all that bullshit[12/28/12 08:15am] someday romance[12/25/12 08:53am] white locks, fuck off[12/23/12 09:19am] i love porn stars; a semi-autobiography[12/23/12 09:01am] dreams are terrible[12/22/12 09:55am] it's real easy[12/17/12 10:26am] promises[12/15/12 11:00am] not this shit again[12/15/12 10:11am] something something cute girl[12/15/12 12:33am] work in progress[12/13/12 11:24am] pleasant dream[12/10/12 10:26am] subject[12/09/12 07:10am] hairy vag[12/08/12 11:38am] short short short short[12/07/12 09:59pm] i had a bad dream[12/05/12 09:08am] up to no good[12/04/12 07:35am] for that one dude[12/03/12 06:38am] finish later[12/02/12 08:26am] type of groove[12/02/12 08:00am] short and i don't like it needs to be reworked honestly[12/01/12 06:40am] maybe i'm finished, but who knows, i could come ba...[12/01/12 06:11am] i half assed it because i can't think of anything ...
November 2012
[11/29/12 09:18pm] short, but whatever[11/29/12 08:53pm] work out later[11/18/12 04:45am] finish later 2[11/15/12 08:14am] an Ode to E[11/14/12 06:05am] you can make a metal song out of this if you'd like[11/13/12 05:04am] this DOES NOT make up for the great one i wrote be...[11/07/12 11:45pm] did i really spend twenty minutes looking for this...[11/06/12 05:41pm] Take this as a Challenger, gaize[11/06/12 05:38am] and ode to a man[11/04/12 06:16am] don't feel sorry for me[11/04/12 12:25am] you[11/02/12 07:13pm] that was relitively easy
October 2012
[10/29/12 08:05am] self esteem be damned[10/24/12 10:23pm] unique[10/23/12 04:35am] histronic[10/23/12 04:06am] the subject is what you make of it[10/21/12 06:25am] i tried[10/16/12 05:32am] love: a short poem[10/15/12 06:41pm] no name no. whatever[10/15/12 07:32am] stay classy africa[10/14/12 07:50am] a tense hip[10/13/12 09:27pm] this one's a bit strange[10/13/12 08:09am] simple as it may[10/12/12 08:49pm] i don't like it as much as i wanted it to be liked...[10/12/12 06:38am] iffy on this one, but let's see how it goes[10/12/12 05:36am] as good as it's going to get get[10/10/12 08:51pm] i think i did well don't you?[10/09/12 09:29pm] not entreiy[10/09/12 05:32am] literacy: a short poem[10/06/12 07:45pm] you'll need to find the right beat for that one[10/06/12 06:36am] i guess so[10/05/12 06:37pm] sinatra come back[10/05/12 06:31am] keep them still[10/04/12 08:31pm] Journal entry: Self Observation[10/04/12 06:54am] as close to an autobiography you can get[10/04/12 06:32am] bitch: a short poem
September 2012
[09/21/12 06:59am] lonely man[09/20/12 07:19am] my other attempt at a stupid wrap song[09/19/12 06:55am] obsession confession[09/18/12 04:44am] king me 2: electric boogaloo[09/17/12 07:25am] sure why not[09/17/12 06:23am] king me[09/13/12 07:39pm] easy cum, easy blow[09/11/12 05:57am] blah[09/10/12 09:19pm] self pity[09/10/12 09:10am] i swear i could do better, too bad i'm too fucking lame[09/07/12 12:16am] finish later[09/06/12 11:58am] volcano[09/06/12 11:16am] those days[09/06/12 01:33am] that's what i thought[09/04/12 08:41am] hidden i suppose[09/04/12 07:36am] dear you
August 2012
[08/30/12 10:45pm] i'm in a rut[08/24/12 07:32am] i shall re attempt this soon enough if someone wou...[08/23/12 03:28am] ever the popular[08/18/12 07:35am] work on later[08/16/12 12:03am] you could say[08/10/12 08:45am] friend[08/09/12 08:49pm] semi-psychotic[08/08/12 08:29am] deep, a short poem[08/07/12 07:40am] she's got these things[08/02/12 01:04am] my attempt at a sad metal song
July 2012
[07/31/12 06:09am] this'll do[07/24/12 06:19am] some kind of craze[07/18/12 06:28am] something[07/14/12 11:44pm] i'm (not) okay[07/14/12 05:17am] two thousand zero zero[07/12/12 09:51pm] mildly content with this[07/11/12 06:48am] this is bad, but i'll publsih it anyways[07/04/12 08:33am] well i tried
June 2012
[06/14/12 07:48pm] thank you renassiance[06/14/12 07:34pm] based on a true story[06/12/12 08:12pm] emotions: a short narrative[06/11/12 07:27pm] this one time[06/11/12 06:44pm] new triangle[06/11/12 04:37am] don't ask[06/02/12 06:07am] bye bye bitch: a short poem[06/01/12 06:40am] my little rant
May 2012
[05/31/12 01:18am] happy[05/27/12 03:04am] i need to stop watching chick shows[05/26/12 01:07am] sure i half assed it, but what did you expect?[05/24/12 08:34pm] can you fill your quota for the day?[05/24/12 04:04am] response: a haiku[05/23/12 06:01am] serenity[05/23/12 04:40am] take that bon jovi[05/20/12 09:49pm] bland, a short poem[05/15/12 05:12am] passion: a latin story[05/08/12 03:39am] seeing as how this is as good as it's gonna get...
April 2012
[04/30/12 02:10am] no thank you[04/25/12 11:26pm] college is the life for me[04/23/12 05:59pm] NOTE TO SELF: never drink and drive[04/22/12 07:36am] should i ever sell out[04/22/12 04:42am] it'll kill me[04/21/12 04:32am] that's okay, i blame myself too[04/19/12 10:30pm] remind me to work on this later[04/16/12 06:42pm] here comes trouble[04/01/12 05:11am] okay so i half assed it
March 2012
[03/31/12 11:49pm] NO ONE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT[03/31/12 07:21pm] working on[03/26/12 06:07am] honesty; a short poem[03/18/12 08:08am] that forked road[03/17/12 07:44pm] there you go, my best attempt on a sat afternoon[03/16/12 05:38am] my bad attempt at writting some dark Sam Lake type...[03/07/12 07:39am] i'm awfully proud of this one, too bad only two wi...[03/04/12 08:25am] remember my name foeva[03/04/12 08:09am] oh my god i've lost my sense of style again FUCK
February 2012
[02/26/12 06:38am] survive because it's obvious[02/25/12 06:51am] SPES[02/22/12 08:11am] that's my intent[02/22/12 07:11am] holy[02/19/12 08:43pm] this old man he played one[02/17/12 06:57am] monster[02/14/12 05:54am] letter[02/03/12 05:39am] my bad attempt at a rap song
January 2012
[01/28/12 01:50am] silence and sunsets[01/26/12 07:45am] until[01/03/12 04:52am] fuck if i know. lets call it unfinished
December 2011
[12/30/11 08:43am] gradually working on it[12/26/11 08:05am] that song title is taken up[12/24/11 09:10pm] some silly christmas carol over obscene anolomies [12/22/11 06:57am] fuck christmas[12/21/11 07:39am] doesn't matter[12/18/11 08:37pm] not what i needed[12/18/11 01:59am] DONT DO IT BLOODBAFF
November 2011
[11/28/11 05:37am] A MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS[11/23/11 04:21am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[11/20/11 07:53am] you let me down[11/16/11 07:50am] no name no sideways eight[11/13/11 06:54am] completely lost[11/09/11 06:51am] on the spot![11/08/11 07:26am] burn lie spurn cry[11/05/11 06:45am] bullshit i wrote because i can't think of any emotions [11/02/11 07:41am] you don't know
October 2011
[10/23/11 06:35am] mhmhmhmhm[10/15/11 09:44pm] stupid lady who went phishing but ended up drowning[10/13/11 11:32pm] a bitch[10/13/11 05:04am] oh you know where this was inspired from[10/12/11 09:44am] lack of sleep and inspiration[10/04/11 09:31am] Reb
September 2011
[09/27/11 05:43am] goo goo g'joob[09/25/11 11:40pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/12/11 12:09am] Someday[09/10/11 06:48am] you should be glad[09/10/11 06:46am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/09/11 02:50pm] troll tracking number
July 2011
[07/23/11 06:47am] sometimes i wonder if i still got it[07/14/11 07:25am] brainstorm valley[07/07/11 09:12am] try not to misunderstand my point of view[07/06/11 07:33am] sad mans tale[07/05/11 09:54am] click
June 2011
[06/30/11 11:01pm] report tracking[06/29/11 11:47am] empathy please?[06/28/11 12:49pm] interesting read if i don't say so myself[06/27/11 04:23am] oh well[06/13/11 10:51am] night time[06/13/11 12:10am] i no longer am accountable for my own actions[06/11/11 10:36am] purple pictures[06/04/11 10:23pm] i don't belong in this generation[06/04/11 09:43am] it took me what, two hours to write this shit. fuck me[06/04/11 07:52am] too tired to finish: need better material to write...[06/03/11 08:16am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
May 2011
[05/30/11 09:22pm] self destructive[05/30/11 08:56pm] new order[05/30/11 02:56am] i could do better[05/20/11 05:57am] feel that way[05/18/11 08:45am] one night stand jazz band[05/16/11 11:16pm] lonely little girl[05/14/11 06:14pm] would you mind if i sat next to you and watch you ...[05/14/11 07:02am] one by one[05/14/11 06:25am] post-tramatic[05/13/11 09:58pm] knows no bounds[05/09/11 08:10am] because i love you[05/08/11 12:57pm] Reaching the sun (Rayando El Sol)[05/08/11 08:50am] lame-ness
February 2010
[02/05/10 05:42pm] ioh;lkjhlk
January 2010
[01/24/10 11:46pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
September 2008
[09/07/08 01:54am] to my angel.[09/06/08 05:41pm] Untitled 2[09/01/08 01:31am] Untitled
August 2008
[08/31/08 10:44am] So you want to know what I think?
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