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View User's Journal

My writings and poems
I don't think i'm a good writer. I don't even think I'm good at anything, and if you want to waste your time reading these so called 'poems' go right ahead. I'm just sorry they're not as great as I would like them to be.
you can break the mirror
but you can't break the monster inside
you don't have to hear her
but you know that you have to die

those angry tears you hold back
they don't always spring a leak
but when they do you're a wreck
so they call you a freak

and all the holes in the walls
don't look good with red paint
you don't have to crawl
if you act like you're a saint

if the writings on the walls
what's written on your face
don't look at me with those eyes
since i know i'm a disgrace

open your eyes to see them staring back
clench your fist and prepare for a suicide attack
these roads not taken hold no restraints
so tell me why it is that you drive yourself insane

you can break the mirror
but you can't break the monster inside
you don't have to hear her
but you know that you have to die

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