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View User's Journal

My writings and poems
I don't think i'm a good writer. I don't even think I'm good at anything, and if you want to waste your time reading these so called 'poems' go right ahead. I'm just sorry they're not as great as I would like them to be.
true love (i hardly ever write wrap but this felt nice)
i'm chocking up, sitting here writing you this song
but in the end it was me not you who did wrong
after all that i put you through could we ever get along?
i don't blame you at all when you tell me that you're gone

i take a look at myself in the mirror thinking "you suck"
it's always you, so don't blame her don't blame god or your luck
i was the one who drove her down and dragged her through the muck
even after all that you kept it together and you still stuck

maybe it was all the years of abuse
maybe because you were use to being used
i don't really know and i'm sorry i'm confused
i wish i had known before, wish i got a clue

living my life without a care in this damn world
thinking i'll be going home to be greeted by my one girl
the one person who could make me smile a mouthful of pearls
i open the door, fall to the floor and i begin to tear up and hurl

damn, did i really did what i was afraid i'd always do
never really admitting but feeling that i'm always pushing you
i never really listened and i never really cared for the truth
but i let you go, when you told me so, another prophecy come true

maybe i should have kept my goddamn mouth shut
maybe i should have tried harder instead of giving the ******** up
i don't really know and i'm sorry i got confused
i'll never find true love again the way that i found you

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