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View User's Journal

My writings and poems
I don't think i'm a good writer. I don't even think I'm good at anything, and if you want to waste your time reading these so called 'poems' go right ahead. I'm just sorry they're not as great as I would like them to be.
trolling or jihad?
click click clicking away into the night
words that signify some form of fight
it doesn't seem quite right
to pick on a girl that's only nine
but thankfully we all know it's just a lie

is this trolling or is it jihad? i don't know
my feelings are complex but my anger grows
is this jihad or is this trolling for the fun
to ******** with people society has shunned

b***h b***h bitching away back to the reply
thinking that you've won and you're feeling sly
beating up a girl that's only shy
only expressing what's on her mind
posing as a man that's twice her size

is this trolling or is it jihad, i don't care
all i see is decadents everywhere
is this jihad or am i trolling too hard
should'a never bet against a wild card

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