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View User's Journal

My writings and poems
I don't think i'm a good writer. I don't even think I'm good at anything, and if you want to waste your time reading these so called 'poems' go right ahead. I'm just sorry they're not as great as I would like them to be.
What makes a man
What makes a man, want to take his own life?
Is it the fact that he knows, that he's all alone?
That nobody cares; nobody ever will
Too busy with their lives, to even say "Hi"

What makes a man, sink further into hell?
is it his esteem, that fails him to see
that he matters to few, though he doesn't believe
never understand he is a wonderful man

What makes a man, bring him to his knees?
Is it the altruistic view he sets on himself
that makes him loath just about everyone else?
don't pity the boy, but encourage his joy

What makes a man, ignore the world
as it calls his name and begs to be played
will he answer in time to see that he's made
a prison of person, with a mind that might worsen

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