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View User's Journal

My writings and poems
I don't think i'm a good writer. I don't even think I'm good at anything, and if you want to waste your time reading these so called 'poems' go right ahead. I'm just sorry they're not as great as I would like them to be.
we got nothing to lose *a drunk poet
you surround yourself with people
that don't care about
or don't want to know the things you do
to yourself, you hide in front of
everyone else in plain sight but
they see you, the adore you
why do you do waste your time
when you've got something
and i've lost mine

you and me, we got nothing to lose

they look at you like you're a monster
what a loser, what a dork
all those words they used had a meaning
when i was growing up
it felt bad, and it still does
knowing that you were different
a bit eccentric but hey
those days are over

you and me, we got nothing to lose

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