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Jamie's thoughts
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another really weird dream, but a good one
haha man the weird dreams seem to keep on coming for me, and though this one made me kinda sad it also made me happy at the same time, like it gave me hope for the future. In the dream I was in my 40's and I seemed to have confidence which I lack now, I stood tall and I was strong both mentally and phsyically. It was like I new my place in the world and I accepted and enjoyed what I had. I don't know if that is the man I wish I could be, or the man I have the potential to be oneday, still on with the description.

It started actually with me waking up in a very messy way razz haha a dog's tongue licking my face, and I pushed the dog off me and sputtered and started to sit up when I heard a voice say "Oi, ojisan you going to come downstairs and make some food? we're all hungry."

I reached behind my head grabbing a pillow "Ojisan? why you little... have some respect." I growled playfully and threw the pillow at the doorway where a young boy almost in his teens dodged the soft projectile "I'll be down in a minute go down and get the dishes ready." I said as I sat up and the boy takes off like a bullet closing the door as he leaves. It was then that I noticed the other body in the bed with me as a soft giggle emnenates from the blankets beside me. I laugh and turn ruffling her dark hair "oh so you find it funny that our child calls me Oji?"

A head emerges from the blankets though I can't remember any features or anything other than seeing dark hair as the woman sits up holding a small white cat that could be a twin of my cat Skyler, though it makes me sad I don't think he'll still be around when I'm in my 40's "If the description fits, why not be called oji." she says playfully.

"well then you can make your own breakfast." I say as I roll out of bed and start to get dressed, when the dog once more pounces on me knocking me back while my shirt is still off, I winced inwardly at this point because the dog looked like a healthy version my dog which is long dead and I miss him a lot. His tongue lolled out the side and he barked happily "Aiya, get off me boy, I have to go make some food." I say as he I push him off again and continue to dress, as the woman that I love does the same.

We head downstairs arm in arm and her head rests on my shoulder as we enter the kitchen. There sitting around a table are four very well behaved children. The eldest was the boy who woke me up, he was twelves, the second eldest was a little girl of about eight, the third was another girl that was six, and the youngest was a little boy that was around three years old.

My wife went and sat down with the kids as I went to the stove and started to cook food for everyone. I got focused on making breakfast which was a japanese dish my grandfather used to make with eggs, vegetables and soy sauce, and I didn't notice the youngest leaving the table until I felt a small hand tug on my pant leg. I paused in my cooking and looked down "Yes, osanago."

"Jifu, do you have to work today?" the little boy says his eyes wide with curiousity.

"Iya, I remember my promise. Today we're going to go hiking on the mountain. Now go sit down and get ready for breakfast then we'll go out to the mountain." the boy grins, a smile that makes me think of his mother and how lucky I am to have this family and I ruffle his hair before he runs back to the table.

After breakfast my wife and I make a picnic lunch and pack some things for a hiking trip and get all the kids into a van. We head out to a mountain range that is very beautiful and with plenty of trees, she takes the youngest daughters hand and I pick up the son and put him on my shoulders as the eldest takes the dog and the eldest daughter carries the cat. We head up through the wilderness ranging and roaming the kids and the pets enjoying running around in the trees until we reach a meadow where the youngest ones also get to play as long as they do not travel to far away. We set up the picnic and then call the kids back and we all eat together.

After lunch we travel further up the mountain until we come to a beautiful waterfall the kids stopping in awe at the majesty of nature, the sheer power and beauty that it can bring forth. My wife gasps for it is her first time seeing it as well and she whispers "the view is so beautiful." I smile and reach out stroking her cheek my eyes never leaving her face "yes it is." she looks at me and blushes and we spend some time there as a family before heading back home as it starts to get dark. We tuck the kids in for the night kissing them goodnight as they fall asleep, then we go to bed together and lay in each others arms and drift once more into a peaceful slumber.

Haha and that was my dream last night, for some reason it all stuck in my head, except for what my wife in it actually looked like. It was a good dream and I woke up happy from it, but still I wonder if I could ever actually be like the man in my dream, he was strong and confident, someone who could be a leader, someone who could be very important to others.

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