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Jamie's thoughts
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really weird dreams
man lately I've been having really weird dreams. Just a few days ago I had a sex dream about a friend I don't like in that way, I mean yeah I used to have a crush on her but I just see her as a friend now. Nothing against her she's a great person I just think of her as a buddy for now, especially since she's so far away so it was a really weird dream. Then the night after that I had a dream and everyone was speaking in Japanese and there were subtitles scrolling along the bottom in english. All I really remember is the ending of it though which was weird all on it's own. I was phoning someone and I felt really nervous, like I was afraid my heart was going to be crushed, then she answered and said "Moshi, moshi." and I barely managed to mumble "Atashi..." and then I guess she didn't hear me and said "Nani?" and I cleared my throat and said "Atashi.." and then the audio of the dream cut out razz and it like zoomed in on my mouth as I said something, then I woke up and was like what the hell was that about? Then last night I had another really weird dream. I had a dream about Roni and Jaxon which was odd because before today I hadn't talked to her in weeks. I was homeless and for some reason I was staying with her and Jaxon well sitting around their place, and he was rubbing it in my face that he was with her and I was alone and I was getting angry, then he like started dry humping her infront of me and I just snapped and beat the crap out of him, she got mad at me and took him into a bedroom and I just felt myself full of rage and anger, then I woke up. Haha it's been really weird dreaming, but at least life's been going better for me lately, just a lot more cheerful after all that's happened, life goes on right?

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