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Jamie's thoughts
stuff about me and what I go through in life
well a lot's been going through my head lately about life goals, my future and everything else. For some reason I'm also slightly depressed about how I never see my girlfriend anymore. In the past month I've basically seen her for about a day total, she's busy with school and I am with work so there just isn't the time I guess. She has her goals sorted out and I envy her that certainty. For me I have no idea what the future holds, some would say that leaves an infinite amount of options and variables open to me, but alas I am also pessimistic when it comes to myself so I only see a limited range, none that really ends up with me being happy for a long time. I don't know, but I do know I have to re-evaluate things and try to find out what 'I' want out of life. Sure I enjoy mining but it's such a hard on the body job I can't see myself doing it forever. I mean I've almost been blown up, crushed, smashed, run over by a train, so many near death experiences on the job and there's plenty of people I don't want to leave just yet.

I'm not sure what I'm missing, is it love? is it something else? I have no idea, but I do know that I am missing something, I feel like there's more out there for me, I just have no idea what it is, so I guess I'll have to keep on looking. Until then I have to sort things in the here and now, I am happy with life yes, but still there's that nagging feeling that something is gone that should be there.

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