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Jamie's thoughts
stuff about me and what I go through in life
update on my life
alrighty well for those of you that don't know yet I'm now a first aid level III attendant in the Twin Water Tunnel's that we're blasting/digging through lynn valley to connect to Capilano water reserve. I've had a few bootlegs which get my nerves up since I'm always at least one of the guys getting rid of it. A bootleg is when there's a line of 'hose' which is what it looks like but it blows at seven thousand feet per second, and a primer line still attached to some nitro/dynoplast aka TNT. One false move and I wouldn't even have had time to blink and I'd be gone. Then today I almost had my face burnt off with an acetalyne torch which would not have been fun since that puppy eats through steel. Other than that though life's been good. I'm still single, sometimes I get lonely but as Yuri said I have no time for a woman, work is my woman now. I spend thirteen hours a day in a hole deep underground and sometimes I wonder if it's worth the danger, but hey the money's good and allows me to help out my friends and family. Still I feel like something's missing, I'm not sure what it is, but I'll find it eventually. I've recently found out my ex Mari has a new boyfriend and I'm very happy for her^^ I wish her only the best in life and I know that such a long distance relationship and so long a time would never have worked. I hope she only gets what she wishes. Lately I've been missing my best friend, we've hardly had any time to talk since I've started this new job, and I know that's a big thing to do with how lonely I feel. Still eventually I know life will fall into place and everything happens the way it should, anyone who's read this I hope you enjoyed my little rant. Have a good one and take care of yourself.

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