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Jamie's thoughts
stuff about me and what I go through in life
just some thoughts
okay well I think I'm just going to put down a lot of the stuff that's been on my mind lately in no coherient order. So it might bounce back and forth from topics especially since I'm tired, but yeah here it is.

Well my opinion on the views of classic Japanese on the words 'I love you' is that they are right and yet they are wrong at the same time. Yes they are right that many people overuse the words, that they can become meaningless and empty to many people. Yet there are others like myself, when I say it I really do mean it with my heart and soul. When I tell someone I love them, those feelings are always with the same intensity as the first time. So for me those words never lose meaning, each time it's just like the first time I said them. At least that's what I think and believe.

Is there such a thing as destiny, or fate? Maybe, but if there is then it will only take us so far and we have to maket he last step ourselves. Life involves risks and you can't actually live without taking some chances, if you always play it safe then you might never find true love. Life is all about calculated risks and choices. One little choice can change many lives, and affect so many people, that's something most people do not consider when they do stuff. Everything has a consequence and yet it might be better that we do not think like that otherwise many would be too afraid of losing something due to their choices. Yet at the same time we should take into account our choices do not just affect our lives and that we might hurt others as well. This lack of selflessness is disheartening because we have grown so distant from that caring part that everyone has inside themselves. It's like a winter that settled over mankind and hardened the hearts turning them to ice. No one really cares about others anymore as long as misfortune doesn't strike us we don't care or we even visit pain on others just to advance ourselves a little bit. It's sad really the state of our world, but there's still things worth living for and things that will make life better, all we have to do is not give up and look for those things.

well there was a lot more I wanted to write down, but my brain has just basically died due to lack of sleep. Haha I'm having trouble typing now and I have to wake up in a few hours to go to work. No lecturing me on lack of sleep people, I took a two hour nap earlier but I think I still need some more sleep. So have a good one whoever reads this.

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