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Jamie's thoughts
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wow almost died last night
wow that was an interesting night last night, got in a car crash, and everything went really slow for me, I could have sworn I was going to die then and there with the way it happened. We hit a bump and went airborne for a second and the car turned in the air slightly and we landed on an angle and started to fish tail, for a moment I thought Dan would get it back under control but then the tires lost their grip completely and we spun into the ditch with a small stream in it, and the front end tore off from the impact. the car lifted to a near ninety degree angle and my head smacked into the passenger window twice cracking it on both hits, then when I thought we were going to go over it came back down and the back end crumpled from hitting the ground and my head hit the dashboard when it settled. The frame twisted and some of the doors won't open anymore, I'm lucky I have a thick skull and I just got a concussion, I'm really glad that the airbad didn't deploy because if it did at the angle my body was at the impact, it would have either knocked me out or broken my neck and I don't think I would have enjoyed either experience that much. As it was, it was a real eye opening experience for me, I haven't had a near death experience since I was in high school and I've never been in a car crash before. Now I know what it feels like to have no control over a situation that can kill you and it's not something I hope to repeat ever. Well yeah that's just what I decided to put down for today, my battery is dying so have a good one anyone that reads this.

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