You know that 'story' about waking up to birds chirping and the sun shining on your face??? Well... that's sorta what happened this morning... stare
"All the pumps are down... we lost power..."
That's all I heard this morning... over and over... it's sorta like the beautiful sounds of chirping birds and I think I did hear some when the stupid voice stopping for a few minutes... I guess that's what I get for leaving my window open...
I guess the power went out last night... I literally live right behind the gas station and all the pumps weren't working... so I guess every car that drove up had to hear that annoying lady person speak those words...
Aaanyway... I'm going to FLORIDA!!! WHEE!!! Oh yeah... I'm gonna buy you something... I don't know what but I'll figure it out when I get there... if I call you down there, I'll probably only be able to talk for a few minutes if you want me to keep those 50 minutes... 3nodding so yeah... I'll call you every day maybe... so be ready to answer the phone... I'll just say hi and what's up and then I'll leave... not a lot of time when all you do is get up every morning and go ride rides and such...
Hmmm... other than that... I wanted to totally punch my mom in the face a little while ago but now we're cool... lol...
I'll brb...
92% of teens moved on to rap music... if you're part of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this somewhere or pass it on... *screams deathly*
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 04:10pm · 0 Comments |