* Personal
1. What do you think about in school or wherever? - People... nothing... people... sleep... 2. Do you like anyone? - Yeees... 3. Do you love anyone? - Yes... but I ain't tellin' YOU who it is... =3 4. Is there someone, in this world, that you would do anything for? Who? Will you tell me who? - Nope... not a soul... LMAO!!! I wouldn't to ANYTHING, but I'd do anything for him... 5. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, how far would/do you go when you're with them? - example: hug, kiss, hand-holding, etc. - I can't believe I actually asked this question... crying 6. If you have somone to love, do you REALLY love that person? Would you do anything to make that person happy? - I REALLY love that person... 3nodding I just hope that person REALLY loves me... =3 and yes I would... 7. Do you mean it when you SAY, not type, "I love you" to that person?? - Always... * Towards Me
1. Who am I? (describe me! (make it longer than one sentence)) - You are... Jon!!! You are my everything and I luff you!!! (sorta cheesy but whatever... XD) You're supposedly human... and have giant hands... I want to hold those hands someday... 2. How well do you know me? - I know you so well!!! You're strange... thats all I NEED to know... 3. What item would you ever have the guts to let go of (give to me)? - I can't cut it out... but if I could, I'd give you my heart... but I'd put it in a jar first... 4. Do you/have you ever had a crush on me? (answer both) - Yes... stare yes... ninja 5. Am I a good person? - You're the greatest person in meh life!!! 6. Do you want to see me? - I hate me for making this quiz... crying 7. Am I someone special? - You're SOOO special!!! 8. Do you want to stay in touch with me? - sad yes... 9. If you could do anything with me, what would it be? (could be ANYTHING) - I would do EVERYTHING with you!!! I'd watch you play GH2!!! I'd watch you eat cereal and fruit chews... I'd ask if I could have a fruit chew... we'd eat em' together!!! XD 10. Did you know that I'm depressed right now? [added by Brittney] - I don't think I'm depressed anymore... but you never called me... so now I'm depressed again... JUST KIDDING!!! XD 11. Can you make me feel better? [also added by Brittney] I already feel better... 12. Do I annoy you? Yes... I can't stand you... * Random-er Towards Me
1. What song reminds you of me? sweatdrop Woman - Wolfmother... heh heh... WHAT??? Everytime I play it, you pop into my head!!! 2. Do I remind you of anyone? I hope not. - Your brother... that's just because you LOOK like him though... 3. DO you judge me? If so, how and why? - No... 4. What High School clique do YOU put me in? - The Tall People... 5. Do you care about what grade I'm in? (does it matter to you?) Nope!!! 6. Is there anything you want to say/ask but are too shy or embarrassed to say it to me? Not anymore... 7. What would you do if you saw me crying? YOU??? CRYING??? Never gonna happen... unless I somehow make you laugh so hard you cry... if that happened, I'd just start laughing... 8. What kind of band do you see me in? What would I play/do? - You're gonna have a solo album and you'll be playing the di-jour-eee-doo!!! 9. Have you ever had a dream about me? Are you willing to tell me if I don't already know? - Yeees... many actually... sweatdrop 10. Do you think this quiz is all about me?
* You
1. Do I know you? Yes... very well... XD 2. Your name? Your nickname? Brittney... Bri (Bree)/Ney (Knee)/Bitty/Rapunzle... 3. You live where? I'm pretty sure you know this... 4. Do you have any sort of relationship with me? If so, name it. 4laugh I ish yer girlfwend... whee!!! 5. What music do you listen to? Do I listen to your music? Rock/Christian Rock/Screamo/Emo/Techno/Heavy Metal/80's... 6. Are you single? stare no... 7. Do you have a crush on anybody? If so, who? Yes... you!!! LOL... 8. Do you hate me for posting this quiz? Will you accept my apology for it being so long? I hate myself for making and posting this quiz... I forgive myself...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 10:27pm · 4 Comments |