My medicine... I've only been taking it since Monday night and the side-effects already started...
Today, during 2nd hour, I fell asleep in the library... I almost fell asleep in 3rd hour too, art... I decided to ask for a pass to the nurse during Gym (notice my 'WAIT TILL GYM TO GO THE NURSE' scheme)... I missed the whole hour... they had to take my blood pressure and I had a migrain... I felt hot but I wasn't running a temp... my mom ended up bringing me some Advil though... I feel a little bit better... not completely though...
Someone called me during school... 'twas on vibrate though... didn't hear it... I don't know who it is though...
I'm hungry... must eat...
^ that was from yesterday, right???
Well... it's today and blahbie blahbie blah... today, I'm gonna change my voicemail on meh phone... it'll be simple and normal this time... xd
Last night, I think the sleep 'affect' didn't wear off 'cause I fell asleep during church a few times... and it was LOUD!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 09:54pm · 4 Comments |