^-^ I love you!!! LMAO!!! |
< it's somehow gonna become a Manga sometime in it's "life"... xd
Yes... it started with thee little drawing of Lyss.. then went to mwah and you and then Lauren... I feel good, da na na na na na na... I knew that I would, da na na na na na na... I feel GOOD!!!
I'm a moron... I'm still gonna send ya a copy... I like it so much that I can't send you thee original... sweatdrop it looks better on paper anyway...
But I'm very lazy at this point... I have Biology homework and don't feel like doing it...
If you got a text from me... it was crap... I got this message that informed me about an After Party and they wanted me to FWD the message to meh friends... that's why I was able to text you... I was all excited and thought I had minutes... and I spelled have wrong... stare
I WANT MINUTES!!! I know I say it a lot, but it's true: I miss you...
Crap, my legs hurt so effin' bad... yesterday, it only hurt on the back of my thighs, now it moved to the front of my thighs and my shoulders... and a few minutes ago, it moved to meh back... I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN!!! crying
It's VERY late/early... 1:29 AM on... erm... Sunday??? Yeah... Sunday... 3nodding
I'm sorta tired but I don't wanna sleep... I have a laptop in my hands... mrgreen Anne's over... it's about time!!! We've been on it since we got home from choir practice... which was around 7-7:15... I would've called you, but Anne has to get a new phone first... she can't waste her minutes... like me...
It has now struck 3:00... Anne's been sleepin' for a while now... I can't... LMAO!!! I probably will soon though... my eyes are like dried popcorn... even though I don't know what dried popcorn is... xd
I've been drinking Powerade all night... 'tis good... it's the green kind... 3nodding
Well... for when I finally decide to shut my eyes, Goodnight my love!!!
I just woke up... it's like 10:35... I went to sleep around 4:30 last night... sweatdrop nobody was online... I got bored... hee hee...
Sadly, I must leave... soon... because I gots ta get ready... but hey... time to be all mooshy... mrgreen
I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you... I could be screwing up my life doing all kinds of crap, but you're here... when I have problems, the first person I ever think about is you... I think of where you are, what you're doing and what it'll be like when I see you... sometimes I'll just be sitting there doing nothing, and I'll just randomly smile... I think about what you sound like and what it'd be like if I could hear your voice eveyday... yeah, what you said about that period of time not knowing, I felt the same way... to me, it was strange to tell you that I loved you, but now, I say it too much and mean it every time!!! ^-^
Jon, you're more than the world to me and I don't want you to ever forget that...
I was gonna save this for the letter but you can just read it twice... I wanna hold your hand when I'm lonely!!! If your hand's too big, I'll just hold your thumb!!! 4laugh
I love you so much and I just wanna say that I've never felt this way about anyone but you... I think about my life in the future with you... thinking that I'll someday get to watch you own GH2!!! xd I can't wait 'till my b-day comes around... I don't need any presant from you... just 3 words would be the greatest presant ever!!!
Right now, I'm wishing you lived close to me... like next door or something... Homecoming... I would take you with me... I don't care what kind of fib I'd have to pull with meh parents but I would so take you with me... you would go right??? I ask you to go to Homecoming... mrgreen even though it's physically impossible... all I know is that it's sometime in September... *looks at computer* it IS September... stare I'm slow... but yeah... if I never come up with a way to go to Prom with you (and a way to get meh hands on a fricken' dress...), you'd still go right... I hope you do... and erm... would you go to my Prom with me??? That's in like 2 years, so I'm pretty sure there's a bigger chance of you somehow coming out here then... it's just, I never even pictured me ever going to something like that...
I wrote a lot... sorry... wait, why am I apologizing?!?!?! This is my journal... lol...
Well... I'm in much pain and I must be going now... my mom unlocked my door and came in so I quickly closed the laptop... she saw me... I don't know how... stare lol...
Well... I'm finally gonna go now... if I don't, I'll probably write a novel... lol...
I love you...
Back!!! On Sunday!!! &.& it's 9:44 PM... I'm watching Anne play GH2 for thee first time... she's not born with the talent... sweatdrop she can't play Mother on Easy... now she's going to harder songs... xd
My brother's sitting next to me singing songs... -_-'
Well... Anne's about to leave, so I'll be going now... as I've said a million times before, and I hope you're not tire of hearing it, I love you!!! heart
Gawsh... I wonder when I'll start a new entry... stare lol... it's Monday... 1:53 PM... I slept in LONG!!! And I didn't even stay up that late... you had school today right??? Or no??? Labor Day??? I don't know... we don't... but that's us... you're different... LOL... sorry about being so gooshy, mooshy, cheesy yesterday... I guess it tends to happen when I can't see you as much... and guess what!?!?!?!?!?! I am SO effin' close to getting minutes!!! 4laugh I have about 40-sumthin'$... just a few more and we can finally TALK/TEXT!!! YEEEAH!!! *thumbs up*
Hmmm... I never played this Sunday... 'cause the lady that was gonna play thee organ wasn't there... Reggie doesn't want me to play with him... he wants me to play with Bronica... me AND her are both nervous... we're playing outta town Saturday and then we're playing Sunday... he's still teaching me new songs too... he's only giving me like a few days to learn/practice these songs... I've never played in front of people like that!!! eek he's a booty-face...
*turns on MS song*
I want that CD so bad... did you hear about the new A7X CD coming out??? mrgreen it's coming out in October... I'm so excited... if you haven't already, go listen to their new song, Critical Acclaim... it's AWESOME!!! I had it on my Gaia but decided to take it off... 3nodding
I know it's been a while since he told me but I guess Justin still wants me to do that job for his friend... I hope he gets the papers sooner or later... dood, I want that money and I'm so ready to type!!!
OH YEAH!!! I can play The Beast and The Harlot on Hard!!! xd YEAH!!! I played it over and over again, and got better every time!!! I feel like playing it now so I think I may do that... 3nodding
Be back later!!!
6:22 PM... daddy's tired, momma's going for a bike ride with thee brother... I'm here jammin' out to Subseven... I wish they had a GH with more known bands... like Alesana, A7X (more), Paramore, MCR, Fall Out Boy, Subseven, House of Heroes, Flyleaf, AFI, UnderOATH, Emery, Skillet, blessthefall, The Used, All That Remains (more), Rediscover, Atreyu, System of a Down, Green Day, Switchfoot, Slipknot, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rush (more), Panic! at the Disco, The All-American Rejects, Led Zeppelin... stuff like that... 3nodding that'd be awesome... I wanna someday, make my own GH game... with meh own characters and everaythang... YEAH... that'd be awesome!!! xd
Well... I need to find some music to listen to... ninja
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Sep 01, 2007 @ 06:46pm · 12 Comments |