Right at this moment, I feel like I'm about to go crazy!!! xd
I'm happy and nervous... tomorrow's the first day we have to dress for Gym... crying I'm scared...
Hmmm... other than that, High School is turning out to be okay... even though I'm like one of the shy-estest people ever...
But... yes... this is very short and I promise to add on tomorrow... praying that I don't have much homework... hardly any today... it's all due Friday...
I'm trying to edit some pictures but it won't let me on the site I was on before... so I have to get an account on another site... stare fricken' website... and it's running so effin' slow!!! scream I have a few edited pics on my MS... but the site I WAS on didn't have many effects...
Well... I must leave for I have to be leaving soon... I have to go purchase a Sketch Book for Art...
I love ya!!! 4laugh
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Aug 28, 2007 @ 11:49pm · 4 Comments |