School's been okay... this morning, I almost puked after getting outta the shower... I got a water and felt better but then after I was getting ready to leave, I started feeling bad again... I finally made the bus today!!! domokun which didn't happen yesterday... stupid Elementary kids... stare
I attempted to eat something... Cherrios... didn't work... I only took 4-5 bites... this was before I almost puked a second time... I was hoping someone would be at the bus stop today and my luck elevated!!! xp
I met this one girl today (Sophmore)... she says she has some friends but I was sorta wonderin' why I was the only one with her during C Lunch... I followed her into the Commons instead of the Cafeteria... I didn't eat... which surprised me...
Back... you know that one question in one of those quizzes that said something about what your MS song means??? Well... I have one that means something now... ^-^
Well... it's 8:54 and I'm beat... hungry and beat... I need some sleepy sleep... 3nodding
I love you a ton and you'll find out how much (not all... 'cause there's more) when you get the letter... *tired smile* you'll probably read MORE in the next NEXT letter (one after this one)... but my eyes may shrivel in a minute... g'night my love!!!
I'm back the next day/night... it's Thursday and I miss you... weird, but possible... school was better today, mainly 'cause I felt better than yesterday...
I guess Lauren's step-sister is gonna help me find some friends... she goes to my school... she told one of her Asian friends about me and I guess she's sorta Emo-looking... she told Nicole that she was RIGHT behind me today or yesterday and was afraid to say hi 'cause she thought I'd be afraid of her??? LOL... but thank God I know a Sophmore... she's so fricken' helpful!!! domokun and thank God I have a SH... NOW I DON'T HAVE TO FINISH ALL MY HOMEWORK IN ONE NIGHT!!! mrgreen
I will hopefully be on tomorrow and hopefully you'll be on too... I might go to sleep a bit early tonight... I've been coming home from school and my result is exhaustion... 3nodding it's a built-in work-out... gonk
I have ASL homework and homework from Swimming... she's such a bee-yotch!!! scream I'm not gonna be swimming the six weeks we have it... if she gives me worksheets to do each day, I'll kill her... and my status on MS tells you details... mrgreen
Wow... am I tired... I hope she sent that letter... you'll see a strange picture in there... xd of me... -_-'
_-_ don't laugh please... and keep it safe 'cause that was the original and I never made copies... it's the only one I had... that's when my brother was cute and harmless... LMAO...
I'm supposed to be finding imformation on a famous historical deaf person... I shall go now... before I pass out on the keyboard and get NO information/pictures...
I love you Captain Fruity!!! heart
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Aug 24, 2007 @ 01:56am · 6 Comments |