Okay... I got minutes yesterday... but listen to this... it's what I call, my plan... ninja
If you wanna call me... don't call me until I'm gone for Florida... which is after this Friday... there's a 2 hour time difference down there... if you didn't already know... meaning, 9 AM down there, 11 AM up here... keep that in mind if/when you call... oh yeah... I only have about 156 minutes so... hmmm... yes...
crying MY TUMMY HURTS!!! It's like bloated but I never ate anything when I got home... it just feels like I ish gonna esprode and it's painful... I should go drink some Pepto... mrgreen
My dad is standing right behind me playing the guitar... hmmm... *looks back* I think it's his Ibanez... or maybe his Jackson??? I don't know... he's facing the other way... but I never noticed how good he is... figures he ain't famous and in a band or something... that would be awesome... lmao!!! xd
Hmmm... crap!!! I hope Lyss didn't do that yet... I need to give her something before she does... twisted you'll never know... mwahahahahahaha!!!
eek that's so awesome... he needs to join a band... form a band... something... that's the prettiest thing I've ever heard...
I gotta go eat... and drink some PEPTO... xp loves... YOU... heart byes...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 11:29pm · 2 Comments |