I ish excamited... I might get minutes sometime tomorrow... either that or sometime during the week... then I leave for Florida Friday morning ASAP... meaning about 4 AM... stare I'm so excited... I gots this awesome bathing suit today... funny thing about that... I don't wear bathing suits in public... parent rule... also about church... 3nodding but my grandparents are awesome... they bought me one today... it looks like a dress... I mean... a really sluttly dress if anything... but I had shorts on under my skirt today and while I was trying the bathing suit on, I left the shorts on... it looked awesome!!! Yeah... I'm very bored... sweatdrop
I got two skirts... that look smexy on me... mrgreen and a few shirts... they're just plain shirts but they're okay... me and my papa were looking at some of the shirts at Wal Mart and there was one that says 'Genius at Birth, Slacker at Choice' and I thought that was totally me!!! xp
Hmmm... then there're those shoes I got... my mom said I might need to go buy another pair (still don't know if that's how you spell it)... I'm so excited... I'm driving through Kentucky, Tennesse, Georgia and whatever other states there are... I've never been outside of Illinois or Michigan!!! EEE!!! I still wanna go to see you... crying but that'll come through time... two of my online friends live in the states I'm going through... Lyss's boyfriend (I think they broke up... not sure...) lives in Tennesse... he's stupid... he cuts... not like me but he's crazy... and then there's Ken (my 'big bro') who lives in Georgia, I think... he's funny... but not as funny as you...
I am so bored... it's both of our faults that we didn't talk today... lol...
Well... I'm getting a tad bit hungry so I'm gonna go snack on something edible... and then maybe go catch some monkeys in my room... and run over old people in a giant robot... I'll have fun... miss joo zo mooch!!! crying I will also go and stare at your pics for no reason at all... well... there is a reason... and I shant tell you!!! xp you can assume whatever... nah... it's cause you're smexy and you know it... lmao... okay... I'll stop being a retarded moron now and leave... ruv joo!!! heart
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 02:22am · 4 Comments |