They took everything... crying I'm poor now... it's like I went backrupt and now I have to live on the streets... this sucks... they took everything except the expensive stuff and now I only have 160 Gold... before, I had like 5k!!! gonk
I worked so fricken' hard and now I lose everything... I'm a NOOB!!! I didn't know what the heck botting was until today in 4th hour!!! WHY ME!!!
I have nothing else to say at the moment except that I love you Jon... I'll go now... cry
Okay... now I really think I'm gonna cry from annoyance... I WORKED SO FRICKEN' HARD FOR THE ELEMENTAL HAIR!!! The ORLY hat's gone... my MOMO's gone... my GBOT's gone... crying everything is gone... I had over 2000 Tokens and now I only have 10... it just keeps getting worse and worse...
I know it's just a fricken' website but it's all I really do in my 'spare' time... that 'one hour a day' time... now it's gonna be like I'm starting Gaia all over again... I've been hacked 4-5 times in the past year... and it sucks...
I need to take a break today... I'll go finish stuffing that giant envelope with your stuff... I gotta go eat anyway... love you!!! heart
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 11:07pm · 6 Comments |