I'm drawing a giant monkey... EEE!!! You see... Lyss draws kitties constantly... really cute ones... so I decided that I should draw my own little animal buddy that I can draw everywhere... my mom just gave me a big sketch book that she used when she was a teenager... it has a Metallica skull she drew and it's really good... I'll send it to you... but aaanyway... I am drawing a big monkey in it... 4laugh it's gonna be uber cute!!!
IT'S SO CUTE... and I drew it in a couple minutes... there's still a lot of room on the paper so I'll probably draw more... 3nodding
*looks at hand* wow... it's all black... hee hee...
Miss joo!!! crying I'll try calling later tonight... and if I don't talk to you tonight... I'll try Thursday... and Friday maybe... and Saturday maybe... but yeah... ruv joo...
I'll go now... and finish my cute monkey picture... byes... heart
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 11:22pm · 5 Comments |