1. What time is it? x 5:52 PM... 2. Name? x Brittney... 3. What are you most afraid of? x Hmmm... things... mostly spiders and super fat people... 4. What do you drive? x I don't... but if I did... MUSTANG GT!!! 5. Have you ever seen a ghost? x If you mean me in the morning then no... 6. Where were you born? x Valparaiso, IN... 7. Ever been to Alaska? x No... I want to now... going sledding down a huge mountain would be fun!!! 8. Ever been toilet paper rolling? x Nope... but it sounds like fun... hee hee... 9. Croutons or Bacon bits? x I would have to go with Bacon Bits... 11. Favorite day of the week? x I would have to say Saturday now... but after track's over, it'll be every day!!! 12. Favorite Flower: x I think it would be a Carnation... not sure... maybe a Holly??? Bleeding Heart??? I don't know... not a flower person... that's my mom's job... 13. Favorite sport to watch: x Mainly baseball but I like football too... 14. Favorite Drink: x Pop would be Sprite... other than that, I like Iced Tea... 15. Favorite Ice cream: x Vanilla all the way baby!!! 16. Disney or Warner Brothers: x BOTH!!! stare 17. Favorite fast food restaurant: x Probably Wendy's... yep... Wendy's... 18. What color is your bedroom carpet? x Don't have carpet... have ugly old hard wood... could possibly be nice with a facelift... 19. How many times have you failed your driver's test? x I haven't taken one yet... I'm only 14 DANG IT!!! 20. Who will respond to this email the quickest? x Jonathan... 21. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? x Everyone that's not Jonathan... 23. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their response? x The dude that has the hair... I forgot his name... he's the one I like... OH YEAH... Jonathan... 24. Favorite TV show: x I don't know... not a big TV watcher but I do like Spongebob... hee hee... and that show Avatar... it's pretty good if you sit and watch the episodes back to back... 25. Ford or Chevy? x My mom went with Chevy so I will too... but I want a Ford, lol... 26. What are you listening to right now? x Hmmm... iTunes says Track 03 but I think it's TobyMac... not sure... 27. What are your favorite colors? x Green!!! And black... and white... and silver... 28. How many tattoos do you have? x None... I think it'd be cool to have one though... I'll probably never get one though... 29. Do you have any pets? x 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 boring fish and a dead hampster... 30. Which came first the chicken or the egg? WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!?!? Is it the egg??? Or what??? Wait... it's the chicken... I don't know... stupid question to ask Brittney... 31. What would you like to accomplish before you die? x I would like to see Jonathan and his family and have tons of fun with him/them... hee hee... yep yep... that's right... 3nodding heart love ya... 32. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? x My journal is not a living person... but that's who I sent it to...
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 12:01am · 4 Comments |