THIS WEEK SUCKED/SUCKS!!! crying I want a hug!!! gonk
First I get hacked... then someone says something to me online that made me feel really down and then I forgot to bring Jacki's drawing to church... that was yesterday...
Today... was okay... funny... and a little annoying... considering my stupid American History teacher really pissed me off... I mean... what kind of teacher says "pick your seats" and when you sit down, he tells you to move... and then you do and he tells you to move more... stare I swear... if I could strangle him with his own assignments, I would... then something really embarrassing happened to me during the end of 5th hour and I don't think I wanna get into that... _-_
Hmmm... that was about it, I think... nothing else completely and utterly horrible...
Ummm... I should be on Saturday... I have to go to a car wash so I can help raise money for Concecration Week and it IS at 10:00 but I decided that I'm gonna go later... I don't wanna miss another day of typing to you... nope nope... I miss you enough as it is... crying
I smell Mexican food... mmm... my mommy made Enchaladas!!! Mmmm... tastey!!! I can't wait to eat em'... I had a piece of chocolate when I got home and she was in the process of making em'... I actually think they're done... but oh well... I'll go eat em' later...
Oh yeah... if you ever get a message from someone other than me... you'll know who it is if they make THE mistake... I mean... I type perfectly except for the dots everywhere... that's my little sign of letting people know who I am... aren't I smart... I mean... not only do I type with dots but I type with perfect capitals in the right places and I hardly make typos... I also put three ??? after my questions... so any hacker that mails from my account probably won't know that I do that... unless they read this entry, which I doubt... I just can't believe some of the people the hacker mailed fell for it... they actually thought it was me... and the hacker DID type wrong... but like maybe 1 of the people he/she mailed knew it wasn't me... also, the time that they mailed makes it obvious too... I'm only online between 5 and 6 PM and I was gone when the person mailed them...
eek wow... I type way too much... and it's all about that stupid hacker... it's just... it's bugging me so much because I really don't wanna start over... I did that about 2-3 times already and it's not fun... I miss my ORLY hat... I really do... I want it because I plan on buying a real one to wear sometime in my life... I could care less about the rest, even though I REALLY miss my MOMO, GBOT and Elemental Hair... it took me forever to get the hair... I had to pay like 20k for it!!! gonk and it's all gone... *cries*
I know you're ((Jon)) the only one who really reads this... but if anyone else does, please lend me a hand... I really want my ORLY hat back and I only have like 500 Gold... stupid hacker... I swear... people who do that are ignorant, retarded morons who have nothing to do better in their real life than to molest little dogs... grrr... and then run around in the nude trying to talk to homeless bums... I have more where that came from but I refuse to continue...
Aaaanyway... Jon... I hope you like pink... mrgreen YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW!!! 4laugh if you were here, typing to me, right now... I would probably literally hug the computer but you're not so I'll save that for the phone... if Anne's there tonight... I hope my mom doesn't go tonight... she's sick and can't sing... she'll either stay home or go just to watch and learn the songs but I just hope she gets a fever or something so she'll stay home... either that or, I hope my dad refuses to let her go...
Aaaanyway, again... I'll talk to you later... love you lots... A LOT... okay... MORE THAN THIS!!! heart 4laugh I hope to ttys!!!
Before I go... random burst of energy... WHEE!!! I'M A GHOST!!! whee okay... bye bye...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:15pm · 2 Comments |