LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it came!!! In two days!!! whee I have my Kiki with me right now... hee... 4laugh
It's funny... now all of your clues simply... go together perfectly... stare I new it had to be something like that... but I didn't know exactly what it was...
I got home and ate pizza... the phone rang... I picked it up... it was Lyss... she was like: "Guess what???" I was like: "NO!!!" I screamed... actually it was kind of an air sream... sweatdrop don't ask... and I kind of went over there and the first thing she did was grab the box and stab it open with a pen... she said: "Either I'm strong or this pen is awesome..." I'm thinking: "Probably both... lol..." she pulled out the Kiki and I was like eek 4laugh and then the blanket... and that's when I wrapped myself in it... then she went in the living room and turned on Ape Escape 3 and I fell asleep in the middle of the floor rolled up in your blanket... mrgreen
I hope this works... I'm sacrificing another day at the mall with Ashley and Lyss for you... xd I missed the last one cause I was busy at Lauren's house... oh well... to tell you the truth... I'd rather talk to you... ^-^
_-_... -_-... _-_... -_- <--- rolling!!!
Anway again... meow!!! =^-^= ummm... I really want to roll around... I am so excited... but tired... because my dad said I could get on later since he stole my time period... mrgreen I can hardly keep my eyes open... _-_ z Z
Oh yeah... if you didn't read the message from Lyss... she wants you to draw something for her... she thinks it's necassary considering the fact that she does all the work... as in, helping me and you... lol... she's crazy... stare
Oh yeah... before I go to sleep, cause I'm tired... I counted, a couple days ago, how many days it's been... I forgot though... lol... I'll count again... but we've been together for about 50 some odd days... WHEE!!!
Love you though... night night...
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Feb 16, 2007 @ 04:00am · 10 Comments |