Okay... Jacki's over... GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said a while ago that I could use her phone to call you... but then she wastes all her freakin' time texting... that's all she does... stare sorry... I know you're not on and you won't be on till Tuesday but I'll try and call tomorrow... when you're not on, I feel like you will be... lol... I wish you had the Internet... especially when... nevermind... crying
I had nothing to do tonight... my dad said me and Jacki could stay on as long as we wanted tonight... wait... we have to be in bed by 3 though... lol... which will probably happen for me... wait...
*goes to get blanket and Kiki* ^-^ your blanket is so warm... I think I might fall asleep again... sweatdrop
Heh Heh... sweatdrop okay... yeah... more of my cousins are on here... stare oh well... I can't control what sites they go on... rolleyes so if any of them add you... ignore them... that's what I suggest... if you don't like 11-14 year olds... you won't like 9-11 year olds...
Aaaanyway <--- man... you're contagious... stare 4laugh
Ruv joo!!! XP I ish vanting doe nutz!!! Meow... omigawd!!! Vare ish uno doe nut ^ starz... I vant dat doe nut... moo...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Feb 18, 2007 @ 05:00am · 1 Comments |