YAY!!! A SNOW DAY!!! And I don't even know why... rolleyes the weather was fine... oh well... xp
Guess what??? I went with my mom to go grocery shopping and she bought me a muffin... mrgreen
Back... hmmm... I shall put some pics in here... that's what I'll do... 3nodding

I is the homie G swizzle... xp

From like ummm... Monday... above...

OMG... look at my nose... it's red!!! xp

I was so happy to get the camera back that I took extra pics!!! xp
Oh brother... man... I had the craziest dream... I almost forgot to tell you it too... eek
Okay... I fell asleep during FACS and I had a dream... lmao... here it is:
I do a cart wheel into your room, landing face down on the floor... my hair is lying all over the floor in front of me... your brother sits on it... I can't get up... you burst in the room dressed as RHINO MAN!!! You charge into him, trying to save me... I get scared and run under your bed... you, in turn, grab my hair, placing your foot on my shoulder, and start pulling/pushing... which is causing me pain and not helping me get out from under your bed... Jess opens the door and jumps on Pat's head, scratching at it like a cat... you finally pull my hair out and I go bald... Alyssa comes in and says "NOT TO WORRY!!!" She pokes me in the back and my hair grows back like those Play Doh thingys... sweatdrop this was in FACS!!! DURING A BORING MOVIE!!! I HAVE NEVER DREAMT IN CLASS BEFORE!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 08:50pm · 18 Comments |