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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
Second entry!
Woohoo, here's my second entry! Today, I promise that I WILL include a semi-rant at the bottom. 3nodding

Today's Date: October 4, 2004
---Each passing day marks one day closer to me taking the test for a driver's permit. Beware, California...beware.... twisted
Today's Occurences:
---I managed to trip up the stair-things in the orchestra room today. Luckily I didn't crash into anyone..or any instrument, for that matter. o___O;
---The drama teacher/play director is so...*shakes fist* GRRR! First he tells us we're supposed to be there, so I call my mom to tell her not to pick me up, then we DON'T have to be there and I have to call again! And that annoys my mother dearest, and when she's annoyed she's a communist cow. xp
---I finished volume 2 of the manga "Forbidden Dance." 3nodding
---I UNDERSTOOD my Spanish homework! eek It's a miracle!
---I managed to scrape a 75% on my chemistry test...again. Pretty good considering I studied for about 20 minutes total. ._.; xd
---I got some of my friends into actually saying, "I luff j00!" It's SO funny! xd
My Moods of the Day:
---Morning: Blah. Couldn't sleep. Woke up too early. Blah.
---Noon: HUNGRY. I forgot my mid-morning snack...so by lunch I was starving half to death. gonk
---Afternoon: Annoyed. Stupid drama teacher. Got all of my homework done though. xd
---Evening: Pretty good.
Evaluation of Day: Heh, not bad, not bad at all. ^^ Drama = DIE! but other than that, pretty nice. 3nodding

To Do List
---STILL need to finish the 6 commissions I have. sweatdrop
---Find more images for my randomizer and save up for lightsabers and shiny stuff from Vayamenda Industries. 3nodding
---Once more try to comprehend A Tale of Two Cities. xp
---Type up the lesson for Draconic Mist. (WHY Ruby, WHY?!?!)
---Talk to some people on AIM that I haven't chatted with in a few weeks. xd

---Send extra stuff to my new mule once bank is working. ninja
---Ask Toni for minis once bank is working. whee

And now, for the rant. *climbs onto her soap-box, does an over-zealous bow, and falls off*


*climbs back on to her soapbox*

Ok, now here it goes. domokun

Today's Subject: Wishlist Emoticons

Yes, that's right. Wishlist emoticons. Many Gaians have a wishlist image, in whatever fasion, with items they want in it. Most use some sort of image to cross out the items they've already obtained. These images can range from checkmarks to X's, and yes, to our very own Gaian emoticons. Now, I'm not saying there's anything WRONG with using emoticons in the wishlists to mark obtained items off...it's just I get just a TAD annoyed when a few certain emoticons pop up.

Ok, checking off donated items using emoticons. I personally use the heart emoticon, basically because I love the person that donated the item, and want to show my gratitude. Some people use the whee face, and I've seen the 4laugh face a few times as well, and some of the more simple smilies. Sometimes, a Gaian might find an item they want in a rare event, like uncommons and rares and stuff. If that ever happens, I'd probably use the domokun or the ninja or possibly the eek faces.

Now, on to items that you had to BUY.

Yes, buy. We all do it. We just adore spending our fake gold to buy lovely pixelated items from the Gaian stores and other users. Ok, once you buy an item that's on your wishlist, you check it off using an emoticon. Much of the time, I see the biggrin or the 3nodding face, and sometimes the blaugh smily. I use the whee because it's great to know that I saved up enough gold to get the item. But you know what just irks me?

People who ungratefully use emoticons with negative connotations.


Oooook, maybe I should explain. sweatdrop

Negative connotation means that something has a bad feeling to it, a negative "vibe" you could say (yes, I know this term mostly pertains to words, but I like using it. It makes me feel smart. xd ).

Emoticons with negative feel I believe are the following:

crying stare gonk scream stressed xp mad evil

Any time I see one of these on a wishlist marking an item that the wishlist's owner had to buy, a little red light just starts blaring in my head that says, "That ungrateful little [This portion has been deleted to protect those in the audience who may be emotionally scarred by this experience.]"

I mean, how seriously ungrateful could you get? Do you actually EXPECT someone to donate every single item you want? You should feel lucky that you're earning ANY gold at all!

It just....annoys me that someone could be that selfish. It doesn't get to me too often now, since I've started hanging around in the charity I've seen both selfish and selfless people. *shrugs*

Well, that's the end of my little rant. Remember that this reflects only my personal opinions on how I view things on Gaia, and you don't have to agree with them. In fact, argue with me if you want, I love debates. xd Anyhoo, later days, muh peeps!

*hops off soapbox and totters off*

Thanks for listening, and remember to keep those pet ducks of yours off of the highways. The name Roadkill has been used all too much. 3nodding

Peace and out,

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 06:41am
bwahaha i totally agree with your rant. 3nodding it irks me... but i guess a lot of things do. still, i know exactly what you mean~ domokun heart

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 07:24pm
~*showed up in someone else's journal*~ That makes two for sure, and then there's one where I think it's me, but I'm not sure. xd


ninja Bank works. >.>

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 14, 2004 @ 08:38pm
heart whee 3nodding

User Comments: [3] [add]
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