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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
I am no longer blonde. At least my avvie isn't...

And I've never actually BEEN blonde my entire life. A blonde asian would be creepy. o.O But the new Sleek hairstyle for girls totally reminds me of Tifa/Rinoa from FF7 and FF8...and it was probably modeled after them anyway. xD

I also like the whole mafia look I have going on here. ninja And thank goodness that inventories are working again.

On another note...one of my best IRL friends is fighting constantly with her mother right now. It's a little depressing, because her mom is really, REALLY nice - I used to consider their house my second home, I was over there so much...used to, as in neither I nor my friend have much time to get together anymore, and when she does she hangs out with her boyfriend - and, well, I don't know many details, but I think it's the kind of fight where it's something trivial and completely irrelevant, like her mom will go off about school at her, but she takes it the wrong way and thinks that the yelling is directed at her.

Again, I really wouldn't know. She's been pretty rant-ish/depressed for the past few weeks, though. sad But another thing that's sad is that most of the time, whenever I have a fight with my mom, even if it's something meaningful like my grades, family, etc, I can usually hide the facts with a smile and a whacko personality. No one really knows what's ever going on in my head - granted, no one knows anything about anyone's mind but their own - but I sometimes wonder what other people really think about me. Do my real life friends find me dumbly optimistic and bubbly all the time, while I'm really bleeding tears?

And thus is my theme song "Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan.

But you know, I have a good life. I keep beating myself up over the fact that I do take my life for granted, and then I just feel absolutely horrible, which sorta makes me depressed all over again...and back to square one. Whatever. We're born, life sucks and doesn't, and we die, right?

Wow, this entry went a lot of places...And it got pretty serious. Anyway...peace and out.

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