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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
New Fishing...
Sometimes, I really love site construction on Gaia. It makes things interesting, with teasers about soon-to-be features and such. At the same time, however, Gaia gets rolled over by a bulldozer in the process of said modifications. That can get annoying, but I suppose it's to be expected.

But on to the subject in the title....The new fishing system...I can't say I like it just yet. I admit I haven't fished for a while, and I probably need to re-educate myself on how to fish exactly, but now my initial income besides posting has gone down the drain, as Durem is now beyond my miniscule abilities. xp

But on a lighter note, I might start using this journal to post Fanfiction...Since I'm too lazy to make another web journal, and Fanfiction.net, well...I do use that, but hey, I just want to put something here. xd

Oh, and a hewwo to muh buddy Tajin! (a.k.a. [~Flare~] xd heart )

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 01, 2005 @ 10:58pm
Yea, I need to try the new fishing system, I haven't fished in a long while. Anyhow how are you rain, I haven't spoke to you in a while!

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