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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
...I don't like rollbacks. :|
This is probably going to be a semi-rantish about the rollback and the people who exploited the recent gold glitch.

But I'll make this clear: I understand why the rollback happened. I just don't like them. xd

Most of my rant is directed at the people who decided to use the glitch to their own advantage. In my view, they weren't only being greedy...but also incredibly stupid. It would be kind of hard not to notice that half of Gaia was probably experiencing the same glitch, and they still did it. Hm, now let's think about this, dearies; If you exploit a glitch that is happening to over half the population on Gaia, don't you think that others will do the same? A LOT of others?

And there's just no way in hell the admins aren't going to notice that. You earn all this gold through whatever method or duplicate items, and expect to get away with it. I don't think so. I'm not a rule enforcer around here. I expect people to be civil and follow Gaia rules and the ToS, but in no way am I a moderator or anything. But still...It irked me to think that people could even think about getting away with this.

Even if it had been just a few accounts, they probably would have jacked up the prices so badly the whole of the Gaian economy would explode. And then they'd get they're accounts reset and possibly banned. But it wasn't just a few accounts...it was half of Gaia, and it caused this massive rollback to happen that's, in turn, caused glitch after glitch, with the admins scrambling to get maintenance done and the moderators probably ready to snap with all the repeat questions they've had to answer.

Albert Einstein once said, "Only two things are infinite; the universe, and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

*sigh* I'm done.

*waves to Xiane, who posted a comment in her last entry* whee

I really should get to posting my fanfiction...>.>

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Arctic Vixen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 15, 2005 @ 07:48pm
Aaaamen domokun *sits on rant*

commentCommented on: Mon May 16, 2005 @ 01:27am
~*agrees with rant*~ D: I had the glitch, but all I did was the things I normally do on Gaia. Lurk and post. ~*nod*~

The other thing I don't like about the rollback is what about the people who are super active anyway? sweatdrop 1700g isn't all that much. I make ~1K a day just by posting and lurking, and that's without the glitch. >< All in all, I lost gold on the damned thing.

And I've closed my letter shop cause I are teh poor IRL right now. xP Posting and lurking is about my only way to get gold now, because I have NO artisitic talent. [/minirant]

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Poetical Rain
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 16, 2005 @ 03:16am
Poor Toni. XP

You know, I was thinking about it, and I think that it was I that initially started the downfall of Limbo into inactiveness. xD


commentCommented on: Mon May 16, 2005 @ 06:16pm
Yessss. It is ALL YOUR FAULT. xd heart

Ah well. I'm glad you showed my Gaia; I have loads of fun here. xD RP lots. domokun

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