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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
Fourth Entry....Long time no post....
Ok....there's really no excuse for why I haven't been posting other than I'm really lazy and I've still been busy. xd

But I have a new rant regarding chain letters with those "Send this on and something great will happen to you at blah blah blah blah...." Yeah. I'm sure you get the idea. You get em lots in email, right? Well....they're just plain annoying to me. So here goes.

Chain Letter Complaints alla Rant

Some of you may have received a chain letter that reads so:

BETTER NOT HEAR OF ANYONE BREAKING THIS ONE OR SEE DELETED. This is a ribbon for soldiers fighting in Iraq. Pass it on to everyone and pray. Something good will happen to you tonight at 11:11 PM. This is not a joke. Someone will either call you or will talk to you online and say that they love you. Do not break this chain. Send this to 13 people

*Guys, do not delete this one. I think this one has a sentimental value to it and I do not know about you, but I will pray for them.*
please dont break this one please... pass it on plz

etc, etc.

Ok, lemme just say this:

Yes, I know that chain letters aren't allowed (watch, someone's gonna report me...and I'll get in trouble....again.... xd ), but it would be VERY nice to receive this message WITHOUT the "send this on and something MYSTICAL will happen to you at [insert random time here]. Oh, and the 11:11 thing? November (11th month) day 11, hour 11, minute 11, second 11...or, no wait, just the first 3 was the day the armistice for World War II was signed. Is there a connection....? Pfft, I dunno.

Don't get me wrong, I do think we need to pray for our soldiers. But is the tag necessary? I mean...come on, I get enough of that crap in my email. -__-; And yes, I can be painfully honest and pessimistic.

We should always tell our friends that we love them.
We should pray for our soldiers.
But expect nothing in return for sending that love and prayer on.

And you know what else?

We should follow the gosh-darned rules set down by Gaia. Goodness, you'd THINK people would know not to send chain letters around through PM by now. domokun

Hugs not drugs all!
~Rain heart

P.S. To whoever wishes to flame me for being a heartless biotch:

Go ahead, BRING IT ON YOU TWEED! Yes, you tweed. I have no clue what that means, but tweed...it's like a style of jacket way back when, right? That's like, all itchy, especially around....nevermind.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Oct 27, 2004 @ 04:32am
Well said. 3nodding

I got that letter thingy too, a while ago, and it just struck me as incredibly stupid. Oh, yeah, tonight I'm gonna find out that Kaoru loves me. surprised Even though she's told me so thousands of times already. Hm. Honestly, someone who hasn't enough of a life and would write illegible chain letters should surely have enough free time to consider the fact that some people are actually in relationships; just because to them, love is some far-off dream doesn't mean it's the same with all. I'm sure whoever it was wished to start the chain to make them feel good about themselves, but honestly, where's the good feeling in making yourself look like a complete dumbass?


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