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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
After Valentine's Day...(Pets v.04)
Delicious new pets!

heart = New within the last month or so. x3;;;

Ancients of China
+Briallan heart

Anima Regnum
---Soul Stage
---Novice Stage
---Trainee Stage

Crystal Grove
+Christmas SS

Dark Turret Dragons

+Cerise heart

Efui Expedition

+Kismet heart

Epona Leolin
+Midas heart
+Eros heart


+Kianga heart

Green Grass Gradation
---Child Stage
+Valentine's Day Elf (from Atriz heart )

Gryps Nemorensis
---Chick Stage
---Juvenille Stage
---Adolescent Stage
---Juvenille Stage (Pidgey)
---Adolescent Stage (Pidgeotto)
+Zephan heart
+Lust heart

Island of the Torai
+Teshin heart

Hailoe Breedables
---Concept Image
+Christmas SS

Kaevren Isle
---Stage 1 - Egg

+Musette heart

Kingdom of Knuffel
+Moogle Knuffel

---Gem Stage
---Kit Stage

Legacy of the Firebringer

Legends of Shambala

Maned Wolves

Mozou Totems

Nieken Delta
+Abarai Renji heart

Oceans of Fire
+Sha-ira heart

Pearls Dragons

Seasons Ampdragons

The Seven Gardens

Siira Sepulchery

The Walkers Glade: Return of the Errais

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