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Rain's Reminiscence
I need somewhere to keep track of my pets. ;P
First Entry
Woohoo, my first entry!

Though I think I screwed up on making the actual journal. domokun xp

Anyhoo...might update this later, once I figure out what I'm doing...


Let's see how I wanna do this...

Today's Date: October 3, 2004
---Time sure flies. I've been in school roughly a month now.
Today's Occurences:
---I finished an English project that's due tomorrow that I should have started on a week ago. Oh well, at least it's done. xd
---I actually replied to a roleplay post. Wow. It's been like, forever since I last roleplayed (forever being a week or two >.> wink
---The head administrator of an AvidGamers roleplaying site asked me to do a lesson-type thing. Blah. I have no inspiration! WHY NOW?! gonk
---I made a new mule. ninja
My Moods of the Day:
---Morning: Tranquil. Sleep restores my sense of calm.
---Noon: Half annoyed, half indifferent. Had to finish my project, and my parents are nagging communist cows. Blah, whatever.
---Afternoon: Ecstatic. Got the project done, and I got GUMMI BEARS! 4laugh *cough* Um...yeah, that, and I got a roleplay post done. 3nodding
---Evening: Decent. A tad tired, and hungry. xd

To Do List
---Finish the 6 commissions I have. sweatdrop
---Find more images for my randomizer. xd
---Try to comprehend A Tale of Two Cities. @___@;

Now, here's the section of the entry where I get on my soapbox and rant. 3nodding But since this is the first day, I'm not going to, not yet. ^.^ Tomorrow I might, depending on whether play practice is going on or not. >.>;

This concludes today's recordings of Rain's day. Thank you, and remember to dispose of any disposables and replace the spoons in their proper places. 3nodding

User Comments: [1] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 12:47am
Hehehe. xd Go Rain. ^^

You remind me of me. xd I usually start and finish projects the day before it's due. xd

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