I'm serious... okay... you know how I had surgery last summer??? Well... the thing I had before came back... in the same place... right underneath my scar... it burst open sometime in between yesterday morning and this morning... I haven't looked at it cause I'm afraid I might die in shock... my mom said it's the size of a dime and it's so deep you can stick your finger in it... gonk WAHHH!!! So nasty... I can't believe it...
It's very painful... yes it is... and I got to stay home from school because of it... well... at least there's a positive side towards all of it... mrgreen j/k...
We're waiting for a phone call from the doctor's office... I have an appointment for Monday but this is bad... I need to go now... crying
Well... I'll keep you guys updated on this... 3nodding
I'll ttyl... bai bai...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 05:11pm · 3 Comments |