Chapter 1
I am sitting in this dark room, wondering what my life would be like if I had done something to help them. I wanted to protect my family and show them I could have been the best there was, but I was too afraid. I know that before this happened, I hated them. I hated the way they treated me. I hated how they would never notice the good things I did. But now, I love them with all my heart. I know this event has scarred me for life and it feels weird telling my secret but here’s what happened. While I was drifting off into sleep at around 3:45 AM, I started feeling queasy. I couldn’t figure out why. I then started tossing and turning in bed, trying to get to sleep. I thought if I watched the clock, I would fall asleep faster. I just lied there, watching the numbers change from 3:50 to 3:51 to 3:52. I tried just closing my eyes and for just a second of darkness, my mind went blank and I drifted off into a nightmare. It felt like I was in that nightmare for hours. I was then jerked into reality from an event that took place in the nightmare. I slowly turned my head and looked at the clock and with a surprised reaction, I kept from screaming. The clock read 3:59 and that wasn’t a very good thing.
In my nightmare before, I saw a person, someone I didn’t know at all, slowly walking towards my bed. Before he completely approached my bedside, I took a peek at the clock and it read 3:00. That’s when I jerked awake. I know it’s quite unusual that I jerked for that reason but I was smart and new that I wasn’t far in my sleep. I quietly sat up in my bed and hung my feet off the side. Sliding off my bed, I flinched at the noise my foot made when it touched the wooden floor. I knew 3:00 would strike any second. I didn’t understand why I was so afraid of this time but I knew something bad would happen. I knew if I walked across the floor, it would squeak the whole way, so instead, I sat down and slid across on my butt. I slowly slid into my closet and quietly shut the door, leaving just a crack so I could see my room. I then sat back and waited. I thought I was just overreacting so I put my hand on the side of the closet door to slide it open. Before I could make my move to open the door, I saw my door handle turning very slowly. I thought maybe it was my mom but I had never heard her alarm go off and I had heard no barks or whines from my dogs. My eyes widened and my muscles tensed. I didn’t know what I should do, so I just sat and watched. The door slowly opened and I saw a leg pop into my room. The figure that appeared in my room was unknown in my eyes. I studied the figure for a few quick seconds. He was very tall and he seemed muscular but not to the point where he was huge. I couldn’t tell in the dim light of my alarm clock but it seemed as if he had a dark hair color. He wore a black leather coat and jeans with normal black shoes. He slowly walked over to my bedside, not noticing how much noise his feet were making as they moved across the floor. I waited and watched. That’s all I did. He looked as if he was studying my covers and then I noticed something. He was planning something. I thought about that way I got off the bed. My covers must’ve looked like a person sleeping in the bed. I then noticed his movement. His arm moved up to where my head should’ve been. He grabbed the covers and pulled them off the bed, throwing them on the floor. He then cursed loudly and started stabbing my bed with a knife he had pulled out of his pocket a few seconds before. I gasped and for a moment, then quickly covering my mouth, thinking he’d heard me. He turned and walked out of my room and listening very quietly, I heard my front door close. I sat for a while, in that same spot, thinking about what had just happened. I felt tears forming at the corners of my eyes but I held them back. What had happened in those few minutes had scared me half to death and I’m serious about the half to death thing. I finally found the courage to crawl out of my closet. Standing up, I thought about what the man had done to my bed and I then knew, that wasn’t the only thing he came here for. He wouldn’t have just stabbed my bed and left. He must’ve done something else. That’s when I knew something wasn’t right. I quickly opened and walked out my door. I stood, silently, in the hallway for a few seconds and then slowly walked to my parents’ bedroom. I turned the handle and opened the door. That’s when the locked away tears began flowing. I saw my parents lying in the bed, covers ripped off. My mom’s left hand was gently laid in my dad’s right hand. Both of their wrists were slit and their blood formed, what looked like, a broken heart. I fell to the floor and began crying. “Why did this happen so soon? If I didn’t hide in my closet like a baby, they might not have died. I wouldn’t have cared if I died and they lived.” I said in a quiet tone. I then pulled myself up and walked over to the blood stained covers that were thrown in the corner. I grabbed them and hugged them, not caring about the blood staining my newly bought sweatshirt. I then folded the blanket and set it down at the foot of the bed. I quickly ran over to my room, still crying and pulled off one of my favorite blankets. I took it with me to my parents’ room and I gently covered my parents with it. I made sure it was perfect. I know they died in the most horrible way but I wanted to let them look like they felt peaceful. I tried smiling but my smile didn’t seem real. I hugged my dad, kissed my mom on the forehead and quietly walked out of their room, making sure to bring the blood stained blanket with me. I stood outside their door, thinking all of this was a horrible nightmare but knew that I would have been awake by now. I started thinking and I knew that something else felt weird. I then ran to my little brother’s room. My brother, in my surprise, was sleeping peacefully in his bed. I didn’t want to wake him because I knew I would never be able to explain all of this to him. He was too young to understand the death of our parents. So instead, I gently pushed him over and lay next to him. I looked at his smooth face and tears started falling down my cheeks once more. After some time of crying quietly, my eyes started closing and I fell into a dream. In my dream, I saw two people sitting on our couch with my brother sitting in between them. I then noticed the two people were my parents. They were smiling and laughing. I was over in the corner, just feeling lonely and all of a sudden, they called me over. My eyes lit up and I walked over to my mom who then told me to sit on her lap. We all sat there, talking about our day and laughing at my little brother for the things he was saying. To my surprise, I smiled at my dad and I knew this was the life I was always dreaming of. Then my dream changed and my parents faded away. It was just me and my brother, Michael sitting there, alone. I thought this was going to turn into a nightmare but it didn’t. It got better. My parents walked out and hugged both of us. And before they left, they told us one thing and that was to always fix a broken heart. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my brother’s open window. I looked around and thought about the window. It wasn’t open last night and my brother doesn’t know how to open windows. I looked at him and he was still fast asleep. I slid out of Michael’s bed and walked over to the window. There, on the ledge, was a blood stain and it was in the shape of, what looked like, a fixed heart. I smiled, laughed and knew they would always be with me. I turned, still smiling, thinking about my parents and went to wake up my brother. I wanted him to have the best time of his life.
Chapter 2
Michael woke up in a good mood. I had locked our parents’ door so he couldn’t go in. I didn’t want him going in and wondering why they wouldn’t wake up. “Marie, I’m hungry. Where’s mommy? I want some breakfast.” He said in a tired tone. “Michael, mommy isn’t here and neither is daddy. They won’t be here anymore.” I replied. “Awww. They didn’t say good-bye.” I started crying when he said that and then walked over and gave him a hug. “I promise I’ll explain everything to you soon.” I whispered in his ear. I wasn’t used to making breakfast but I wanted to try. I thought about what my mom would do. Using my memories, I got out a pan and set it on the stove. I then got out the carton of eggs, set it on the counter and opened it. I opened the cabinet above me and took out a bowl. Doing what I always did while helping my mom, I cracked the egg on the side of the bowl, peeled it open and poured the egg completely in the bowl. I threw the egg shell away and then walked over to the counter once more. I opened the drawer and grabbed a fork. I started stirring up the egg and made sure there weren’t any broken egg shell pieces in the bowl. At that time, I almost forgot what I was supposed to do next but I wasn’t going to give up that easily. I grabbed the bowl and walked over to the stove. I then poured the egg into the pan. I knew making scrambled eggs was easy and I remembered doing it a long time ago. When the egg seemed hot enough, I grabbed a spatula and started stirring the egg with it. I wasn’t quite sure how to make anything other than scrambled eggs. When I was finished making my brothers breakfast, I gave it to him and decided to just make myself a bowl of cereal. I was tired of cooking for a while. My brother was satisfied. He was happy from the fact that I was being nice to him all of a sudden. I smiled while watching him eat his breakfast. He was eating it like it was going out of style. I decided to go check on mom and dad. I don’t understand why but I was afraid to open the door. I thought maybe I should just close it, lock it and never open it but I knew I couldn’t. I looked back at Michael to see how he was doing with his food. He had a lot left and I knew he wouldn’t get up until it was finished. I quietly opened the door and checked on the two precious people lying on the bed. They looked just as they did yesterday. I quickly but quietly closed the door. I thought about them for a few quick minutes. I knew their bodies would start to decay and I knew they needed a proper burial. “Michael, I want you to finish eating okay?” I told my brother. “Okay.” He said in return. “I’m going to be in my room for a little while so when your finished, I want you to watch TV. Promise me that you will.” “I promise.” I grabbed the cordless telephone and walked into my room. I called 911 and waited. “Hello?” The person on the other end sounded as if he or she hadn’t seen any action all day. “Ummm, I need someone at 7098 Tonbran Avenue right away.” I said in a confused voice. I had never called 911 in my life. “How old are you sweety?” The person sounded like an old lady but not to the extent that she was super old. “I’m only 13.” I replied. “May I ask why you’re calling? I need to know if you’re calling for an important reason. You know kids these days.” She laughed at herself as if it were the most hilarious joke she’d heard in ages. “It’s a long story but my parents are dead. They were killed last night and I need someone here right away. I promise to God I’m not joking.” I decided to say. “Oh my. I’m so sorry sweety. Why didn’t you call sooner?” “I didn’t know what to do at the time. I’m very sorry. I guess I was in shock. Will you please send someone I can talk to about this. I think I know a little bit about what happened.” I replied. “Of course. I’ll send someone right away. It was 7098 Tonbran Avenue you said?” She asked. “Yes.” “Someone will be there very soon. Don’t worry dear.” “Thank you.” I then hung up the phone. I stuck my head in the air as if I had done something worth while. I know I’d be sad watching them be taken away but I knew it was for the greater good. I quickly got up to check on Michael. He was quietly watching TV, just as I had told him. I never knew my brother could be this good for his older sister. I wonder what he’ll think if I tell him about mom and dad. I thought. I set that aside for the moment and decided to sit down by my brother. After a few minutes of watching Tom and Jerry with Michael, I decided to sit by the window. I wanted to make sure the police would come. I had decided earlier that to have the police here meant that I might find out who the evil murderer really was. I wanted him in jail or better yet, I wanted him dead. Yet, I didn’t know I could be his killer.
To be continued...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Nov 18, 2006 @ 01:59am · 4 Comments |