It’s not normal for me to be sitting in a pumpkin patch, market thing but that’s what I did yesterday. I actually sat there and looked at the market while laughing at the sight of smoke coming out the top of it, or at least, that’s what I saw from my point of view. For some odd reason, it was hilarious. I did hear an explosion earlier that day but that was just the start of my laughter. After the explosion, maybe a half hour later, I heard sirens but I laughed harder. Some weird man person standing by the market yelled at me for laughing. That’s when I started rolling around and laughing as hard as possible. I guess I smashed some pumpkins in that process. I started smelling some weird essence. It smelled like smoke and pumpkins. Of course, it’s gonna smell like pumpkins when your in a pumpkin patch, but mixed with smoke? No. Bad smell. I looked down where my leg was supposed to be and saw a smashed pumpkin all over my leg. It was all over. I mean, there was so much mashed pumpkin there, that I couldn’t see my leg. I laughed, noticing I must’ve smashed it while rolling. I started wondering what that weird man person was doing over by the market. I yelled at him and he started laughing. That’s when I saw a pumpkin pie in his hands. I got up and ran to get the pie but I slipped and fell in gooey pumpkins. Don’t worry, I got my pie. I asked the man who he was and he said he was a fire fighter. I was like, “Why aren’t you fighting the fire then?” He just looked at me like I was an idiot. All he said to me was, “Evacuate the pumpkins.” He then walked away, leaving another pie on the counter.
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 02:35am · 4 Comments |