I love Smosh... they're like my heroes... me and my friend Emily ((akayanga333))... we found out about them and now we watch like all they're videos!!! They're hilarious...
They've made so many things... it's hilarious... I'm serious... I love Anthony and she loves Ian... mrgreen
But I can't believe they made all these things up!!! It's like... omigawd... I wawnt the price of dat cereal bawx!!! HAHAHAHA... that's Group X... hahahahaha... Group X is good too... but Smosh is awesome!!! 4laugh
I've got my media stuck in my head... and I can't stop laughing... hahahaha...
He's the Boxma a a an... he's a box... he's the boxmaaaaaan... the boxmaaaaaan!!!
You should watch the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one!!! rofl and even the Battleship one... domokun and even the Transformers one!!! The Power Rangers one isn't that great but it still involves Smosh... and the Pokemon one is awesome too... oh... you can't forget the one where they went to Denny's... and the Dolls one... and all the Day in the Life of Smosh ones too... blaugh
I'm like a huge fan... hahahahaha!!! You should be a fan too... and let's see... Lemon Demon is cool too... not as cool as Smosh though... mrgreen
Well... I gotta go to bed soon... yeah right... but at least I gotta get off... my parents and brother are sleeping downstairs today again... so I can't be on here for too much longer... I will be on tomorrow though... I hope... and I also have to go school shopping some more... 3nodding I didn't get everything I need...
Oh... to tell you something else... I went shopping with Lauren yesterday... and I got a sweatshirt that is so cute on me... and it says Sweet as Sugar, Tough as Nails... Lauren got the same thing only the background of hers is gray... mine is a creamy yellow... I think it's so awesome on me!!!
But anyway... I'll write more later... ttyl... bai bai...
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 03:33am · 1 Comments |