It was pretty good... I met a girl who is like the same as me... she just kinda dresses different... but she does ride my bus and she's in a lot of my classes... and yeah...
Other than that... Lyss wasn't at school today... you know... Akiko_Miyahara... didn't I tell you??? I found out that one of my friends is going to my school... and she lives like 5 min from me... 3nodding totally wicked...
Yep... and more info... I'm getting more into Naruto... I was into it... but I'm one of the ones who doesn't know really all the characters... like Temari... and all the not really main ones... and I'm starting to watch the anime... so yeah...
I did see a guy with a Naruto head band... it was a different town thingy though... 3nodding I'm gonna get one too... only I don't know which one... probably one like Naruto's because I'm gonna cosplay Ino... 4laugh yep yep... I have the hair for her...
Well... I g2g... so I'll ttyl!!! Bai Bai...
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 11:46pm · 0 Comments |