Okay... my dad learned how to play the guitar all by himself... he told me today that he taught himself at around age 14... I'm 13... he said I should teach myself... and I asked him how the heck I'd do that... he's got two posters... one has guitar scales and one has guitar chords...
Today we went to the Guitar Center... that place is wicked!!! You should've seen the hot guys playing guitars in there!!! All the guitars were totally wicked... especially the hot pink one... just kidding...
I was looking at a little booklet that my dad got in the mail from there... it had Syn, Zacky and M. Shadows on the cover!!! And there's this contest that you can enter where you win this ugly SUV lookin' thing and you win a night with the guys... and you win a ride in a limo with $500... also... you win two guitars... not ANY guitars... but custom Zacky and Syn guitars... I so totally wish I could do it... crying
But yes... I'm gonna teach myself... and I'll probably be asking my dad for help... twisted of course he'll have to help me...
But yeah... I think I'll do good... I think I have the talent to play a guitar... then when I get totally awesome at it... I'll go back to the Guitar Center and show off for all the guys... 4laugh
Well... ttyl... I might type more before I leave later...
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 09:48pm · 3 Comments |