Okay... ummm... my dad's coming home from the hospital sometime today... and then after that... me and my mom are going to this sign language practice... we're doing a song for church during a youth rally... and there are around 24 people doing it... my mom's the one teaching it too...
Let's see... ummm... I'm gonna call my cousin Jacquelyn and see if she'll come over to spend the night tomorrow... along with my friend Lauren... 3nodding then on Saturday... we're going to hand out papers for something... I forgot what it was... sweatdrop but I do know our Youth is gonna be the ones to hand them out... then... after we hand the papers out... we're going to Wicker Park... it's a park a few blocks away from my house...
Sunday is church of course and I can't wait because I'll get to wear another one of my new outfits... 4laugh
Ummm... sometime in the next week or so... me and my mom have to find out where my new school is... and we have to register me on registration day... whenever that is... stare but I acutally can't wait because I wanna meet new people... mrgreen which is a first but what the heck!!!
Hmmm... one of these days... I'm gonna go to Emily's house... her username is akayanga333... 3nodding but I gotta figure out when and then call her... which I WON'T forget to do... sweatdrop I promise to her I won't forget... I haven't been over to her house probably since before school was let out... but I did go there to drop her off after she stayed at my house... 3nodding
Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you... I made it through surgery and it was really weird... I've never been put to sleep before so this was my first time... but at least it's over...
Another thing for whoever reads this entry... Jo ((golden_hands)) has a journal entry where me, her, Alex, Matt and Luke have been RPing... and it's really fun... so maybe... if you want to... you should join us!!!
Well... talk to you all later... *jumps up and down while waving* bai bai...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Aug 03, 2006 @ 06:58pm · 1 Comments |