Okay... this entry's for Oka and Ray-Ray... or anyone who wants to know about em'... they're the best people in my life... I say this because when I'm sad or in pain... they cheer me up and make me feel better... they worry about me sometimes but that's okay... I guess that's what some big brothers do... mrgreen
Anyway... they're awesome and if I ever met them... I think they'd get tired of me... sweatdrop
That's cause I would probably wanna go everywhere with them... I would do everything with them... eat ice cream... maybe even try to make the world's largest pizza with them!!! 4laugh
They are the best big brothers a girl ((like me)) could have... they have torn me apart to show my bubbly/perky side... and I know... that's a good thing... it shows the real me... what I used to be is dumb... and now I'm not trying to act like a certain person... but my one and only me... 3nodding
I have ideas in my head about how to at least meet Oka... haven't thought of a way for Ray-Ray... considering I don't know where he lives... but I think meeting Oka will be a piece of cake once I make a great plan... there are so many ways I could meet him... yep yep...
It's funny how me and Oka met... he played an evil joke on me... but he apologized and of course I forgave him... and then he always told me I acted like Rikku from FFX and FFX-2... he said that's who reminds him of me... and how I met Ray-Ray was cool too... I spoke in Al Bhed in Oka's profile and he spoke back in Al Bhed... that's how we started talking... and I'll never forget any of it...
I hope both Oka and Ray-Ray read this... because it's all true... and I seriously think of them as my big brothers that live far away... xd
When I meet them ((whenever that'll be))... I'm gonna give both of them a big hug!!! 4laugh
And don't forget that you two... I'm always looking forward to meeting the two greatest people ever!!! Maybe we can act like Pirates or Ninjas!!! pirate ninja
rofl well... love you two to death... huggles and kissles... ttys... *jumps up and down while waving*
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Aug 01, 2006 @ 02:27am · 4 Comments |