I am Polish and yes... I already knew that... my mom's side of the family is Polish and I've never met my real dad so I don't really know about him...
I love Polish foods and stuff like that... I especially love making the Polish cookies... mrgreen
YAY SWEETS!!! 4laugh
It's funny because my great-grandpa always used to come home after work... telling Polish jokes when he got home to my great-grandma... she always got offended... and my great-grandma Wysocki is awesome... and she is really funny... she even sounds like a Polish woman...
Today I'm going shopping with my grandma... my grandma and papa ((my step-grandpa)) are the greatest... I would say I am very spoiled by them... and I guess my grandma wanted to do something nice for me before Monday... you know... my surgery... well... I'm gonna go for now... my grandma's picking me up... mrgreen
OMIGAWD!!! You should see the clothes I bought... they make me look like a whole new me!!! 4laugh
They are so awesome... I wish you guys could see them... mrgreen
4laugh at least the clothes have started to take away the terrification of the evilness of the surgery... I want a figgin' hug!!! gonk and I want that hug from certain people... my dad... Oka and Ray-Ray... and all of my other friends on Gaia...
Well... gotta go check on my bad brother... stare ttyl... I'll write again soon!!! 3nodding
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 03:35pm · 2 Comments |