Okay... ummm... I hate my friends... and they are totally dipsticks... mrgreen I love them... but I also hate them... in a good way... they are the loudest people I've ever met... especially Lauren and her loud mouth/butt...
Nina laughs the loudest... and she's gonna be a stripper when she grows up... I am totally just kidding...
Jacquelyn snorts when she laughs... but I still love all of them... she eats pretzels and screams like crazy during scary movies... when we're trying to be quiet to listen for my mom... she's laughing her big butt off... she puts her feet on my hair while I'm typing...
Oh yeah... Lauren is evil and Nina has hairy armpits... just kidding... ((not))
They are so hilarious... and I hate them...
We just watched House of Wax and they were screaming throughout the WHOLE movie... I had to yell at them to tell them to shut up... Nina said... OUTLOUD while my mom was standing there watching with weird eyes... that she wants to know how it feels to be stabbed... don't kill her... but kill Lauren... JUST KIDDING... I'm so laughing so hard... Jacki just offended me... stare don't ask why...
I'm trying to kill them... actually I'm pretending to kill them... in a minute I will attack them... I hope they know this... and Jacki won't stop putting her feet in my hair/face... and my shoulder... she's a pig...
I still love her... and she's not a pig... mrgreen
I'll type about them when they're gone... twisted
Just kidding... all of this... it was fun... they're awesome friends... hahahaha...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 04:01am · 0 Comments |