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Into The Mind Of The Shoegazer
brief snap shots of insanity
Sacred Flower
sitting in the pixelated grass by an old windmill, I saw her sitting alone, I ilently approached and stopped hesitant for a moment and then spoke, from there hatched an egg that was slowly incubated into a highly evolved friendship, a person who actually made me shake from the closeness I felt, everyday like a neverending dream, then one day a black cloud settled over me and cast shadows over everything around me, I began to lash out with lightning strikes and thunderous words that echoed and wids that peeled the roof off the beautiful house of friendship that had been built....now there is silence, windows of hope are broken, the floorboards cracked and scratched as if some wild animal was let loose, I went to the grass by the dock last night sitting alone, imagining the friend who I blew away with the storm was there, but there was nothing but grass and the windmill stopped in its tracks, I sat in the same spot in deep concentration trying to make her blossum from the earth like a beautiful flower, a flower that had never hurt anyone and always filled the air around with happiness and kindness, I tried making things grow with as much rain as I could but the grassy knoll became swamped, I realized it takes 2 to make a friendship grow and it can't be relient on one or the other, like a flower and a gardener both rely on each other equally or nothing grows, or what grows soon fades away and wilts, I realize lack of care commitment and things all being one sided leads to a failed crop, but I refuse to give up on the friendship I let die, I plant a seed anew and will nurture and care if its not too late, I am determined to make a Sacred Flower grow in winter

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