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Into The Mind Of The Shoegazer
brief snap shots of insanity
The Family
sometimes I blow past the warning signs, sometime's I eat the apple from the vines, sometimes I push when I should pull close, sometimes the only voice I hear is mine, sometimes I miss with good intentions or say the wrong lines, sometimes I force self onto others, sometimes i don't cut people slack, sometimes I say words that can't be taken back, sometimes I don't give people space, sometimes I deserve my current place, sometimes i go when i should stop, sometimes I make a mess when I should mop, sometimes I push the closest away, sometimes I make mistakes and pay, sometimes I just want to help, sometimes I get too centred on myself, sometimes i hurt those around me, sometimes I've been lost but they have always found me, sometimes I get too blinded by my passion, sometimes ignorance is my fashion, sometimes I hurt the ones I love,sometimes I am a beautiful soaring dove, sometimes we always make mistakes,sometimes learning from them takes several takes, sometimes I've taken things for granted, sometimes I hurt those I love the most when I've ranted, sometimes I just don't know when to quit sometimes I can't go on with it, sometimes i fall flat on my face, sometimes if needed my friends pick me up and put me back in place,sometimes I need to listen to my friends,sometimes I need to keep from falling into my current trends, sometimes I need to worry about my health, sometimes I need to hug my friends and not myself, sometimes I need to hold them up, sometimes I need to learn to not ******** up, sometimes i need to prove myself and my convictions, sometimes I need to rid myself of my negative afflictions, sometimes I need to not get caught up in localized twisters,sometimes I want to simultatiously hug you all, and sometimes I need a need hugs too but all in all, all of the time I need The Family my brothers and sisters....and they need me

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