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Into The Mind Of The Shoegazer
brief snap shots of insanity
well I finally put all my fear and reservations aside and reached out for help at my doctor's office and hospital, I will now be seeing a psychiatrist and be taking group therapy classes, I'm taking bold steps to improve my quality of life for myself and for those who surround me who love and care for me and who have watched me stumble down a difficult road which to me until recently seemed to be my only option, I was nervous to go, even with my brother with me, but I forced myself to press on and hear them out and take part in what they had to offer instead of just condemning them and leaving the way I came, normally I stay as far away from doctors and hospitals and group sessions as I can in fact I've strongly refused those sorts of options in the past fighting against them tooth and nail but I'm trying to change and become a better stronger person and that takes strength and courage and not backing down to doubt and second thoughts, I went in and spoke to them and they've offered me help which i will take a use to my full extent, I want to be able to have healthy fun friendships, not bring them down with my problems, sure its ok to turn to a friend in a time of need but not 24/7 they have their own problems and issues that they may need me to help them with, but mainly a friendship should be focused on what good is going on, not the negative depressing problems facing either of them

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Cerridwyn Morgana
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 13, 2010 @ 10:15pm
good for you, buddy. and i'll be there the kick... i mean catch you if you stumble.

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