Aly could you help teach me to listen? I'll even wear a tie so you can help pull the good side of my personality to the forefront and help it overshadow the bad parts, I'm willing to learn, I know I'm a good person at heart, I want to change but I need help, I've never had much of a proper example to go by, Kurt Cobain is about the closest to a role model I've had, and being like Kurt has gotten me nowhere haveing that same whiny poor me outlook got him nothing but a bullet sandwich for lunch, Aly you're just about the best stand out person I've ever known can you teach me please how to be a better person and how to listen and understand and help me correct some of my glaring problems, I don't want you to do it for me, I just want to learn to be a better person like you, could you please help me? if I could be even half the person and friend you are, I think I'd be alright