One Man Search Party
I'm the one man search party trying to recover our friendship at all cost, I walk through the darkness of the woods looking for the communication lost, all I have is a flash light and a walkie talkie, Alpha, Bravo, Zulu can you hear me do you?...copy....I looked in the mirror...I've lost 9 pounds since April 1st I look sickly and weak...but that is the least of what I have lost this week, the light of friendship is golden but I'm poor so I have to make due with covering the halogen lamp I'm holding with yellow sheet taped to it to bathe everything in a beautiful yellow glow its not golden but its the best I can manage, I'll shine this improvised light on you so that you have a guiding light in which to turn to even if the path does not lead to me and leads astray I'll still light your way anyways, I didn't bring anything but me and I'll give the clothes off my back to shelter you from the cold in which I forced you to leave into, I'll sacrifice whatever I need to to make things right and find our friendship again, I wish I was more like you so that this wouldn't have happened, you've been the perfect friend and i've been the perfect disolving agent to that friendship, caught up in my own self pity and despair and already blind because I couldn't see what was in front of me even though I was staring right at it, I do think I deserve your friendship, dispite my blunders and despite the scars I've caused you, I just want to make things right again for you, I didn't listen to you or cut you any slack, you've been there for me more times than i can count, and what can I say for myself in that regard not much, I'm tired of taking, I'm tired of undermining my own attempts to be somebody so I can sit in self pity, I made these journals so everyone can see what a great person you are and why everyone that knows you should value you like you're their last breath of air, I'm sure they are already aware of this I want to make sure other's to realize it as well, so that even if my friendship with you can't be fixed, other's can see and maybe some people will read this and start friendships with you and they can get to experience what I threw away and all you have to offer them as a friend