Today I was playing DDR a lot! I accidently deleted my DDR data on the memory card before...So I don't have all the songs I used to have. But I shall bring them back! You know why I've been playing DDR all the time now? It's because I lost 2 pounds from playing it one day. I want to lose all my fatness. And yes, I am fat. You can't deny it. So if I'm never on Gaia for a long time, you'll know why.
Don't you like the white creme on my head? I forgot the name of it, but it sounds fancy. Yes, I know all of you who have logged on today have it. But I loves it! It gives me perverted images.
I read Nana-chan's journal a few whiles ago. I decided that I'm a Romantic Seme/Clueless Uke. I know how to flirt with people, but I don't know when someone's flirting with me. You guys probably noticed that. I hope you did...o_o
I think you, Mai-chan, are an Innocent Uke combined with something else. Because you're not completely innocent...if you knnow what I mean... wink
Pervy Sage, I don't think you're a clueless uke. Read it again and pick something that actually fits you...XD
I made my friends, Deidara and Itachi obsessed with FMA. ((You don't know them unless you were at my recital.)) I found out that Itachi hates Naruto the character. I was sad when I found that out. No one should hate an awesome character like him!
I'm going to make a DeidaraXIno and ItachiXSakura video for the friends I just mentioned. Yes, I know DeidaraXIno is a akward pairing...and very scary, but my friend likes it! Don't tell her that I think it's scary okay? ((forwarding this to Amieku-chan~!))
Yesterday my screensaver was on. It had some hentai pictures I thought I got rid of... Apparently I didn't get rid of them. I left my computer on, and my mom went downstairs to clean. Then she found out that I look at that stuff. She started lecturing to me on how it's a sin. I felt...Relieved to let a secret out, but... For some reason after that I started becoming really sad. I started remembering memories that would make me sad. Memories that told me not to do these things. Then I became emo and didn't speak to anyone about it.
When you cry do you lose memory of something precious to you? Whenever I cry, I lose memory little by little. That must be the reason why I'm so stupid. Heh heh... sweatdrop
I've been making my journal entries so depressing lately... I'm sorry...I'm just...I'll probably start my dot soon.
Wow, Christmas has come so fast! I can't wait to play Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 and Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2~! Then I can be updated with Amieku, Itachi, and Deidara!
I got really sad today when I read the new Naruto chapter... Why did Jiraiya have to die? I was seriously about to cry. I think I was basically crying because tears were forming but I didn't let them out...
I laughed akwardly when Tobi said, "What game should we play now? Leaf peoples." Haha, Leaf PeopleS!!!
I hated it when it ended right at Itachi and Sasuke's fight... I want to see their fight dammit! It's obvious that Sasuke's going to win. I wish Itachi would live and somehow get with Sakura... *sigh* .::Hopless Dreams::.
That's all I have to say for now folks! Tune in next time for more of, the ~Journal of Kawaiibunnychan~

Who is it!? It's Sakura~! And Tobi's in the background..XD No I didn't draw it...It reminds me of Christmas =D